
二、 听音,选择正确的答语。(i〇分)

() 1. A. I have a cold. B. I has a cold. C. She has a cold.

() 2. A. He feels cold. B. I feel hot. C. She feels tired.

() 3. A. No,I can't. B. Sure. C. Yes,it is.

() 4. A. Yes,I do. B. Yes,please. C. No,it isn’t.

() 5. A. You should have a rest.

   B. She should eat too many sweets.

   C. He should take some medicine.

二、 1.    What’s wrong with your mother?    2. How    do you feel now? 3. Can I help you?    4.    Do you eat a lot    of sweets?

5. What should my father do?

二、1~5  C A B A C


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