
三、 选择填空。(12分)

() 1. —Mum,what you ^ ? —Pm eating fruit.

   A. is;doing   B. can;do   C. are;doing

() 2. David and Ben like basketball. Look!They are basketball in the playground.  

   A. playing;playing   B. can;do   C. are;doing

() 3. —What am I doing? Guess! —

   A. Fm swimming. B. We’re swimming. C. You’re swimming.

() 4. Jack and I are our parents in the kitchen.

   A. help   B. helping   C. helps

() 5. —What Nancy and Mike doing? —They are the floor.

   A. are;sweeping   B. is;sweeping   C. are;sweep

() 6. Listen!The students English songs in the music room.

   A. can sing   B. are singing   C. like singing

U n

() 7. —Where's Mike? —He's in the dining room. He now.

   A. is having lunch   B. having supper   C. is have lunch

() 8. My grandfather and I making the bed now.

   A. am   B. is   C. are

() 9. I can . I like . I'm now.

   A. dancing;dance;dancing

   B. dance;dancing;dancing

   C. dancing;dancing;dance

() l〇. —What doing? — making a salad.

   A. are there;There are   B. are they;They are

   C. they are;They are

() H. — are they singing? —They’re singing in the music room.

   A. What   B. Where   C. Who

() 12. I can play football , but I can't play piano.

   A. the; /   B. /; the   C. the;the

三、1~5 C A C B A  6~10 B A C B B  11~12  B B

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