

A: _______1_______

B: I come from England.

A: _______2_______

B: Football. All the English people like football.

A: _______3_______

B: Beckham(贝克汉姆).

A: I like football, too. I like Beckham. In China, Hao Haidong is my favorit football star.

B: _______4_______

A: I like Dalian Shide best.

B: _______5_______

A: Good idea! Let's go.

A. Do you like football?

B. Who is your favorite football player?

C. Where are you from?

D. Let's go and play football on the playground?

E. Becklam is the best player, I think.

F. Which team do you like best?

G. Which sport do you like best?
