【题目】Did Lanlan go to school by car? ( )
A.No, he didn’t.B.No, she didn’t.
【题目】You and I like listening to music. We _______have the same_______.( )
A. all,hobbyB. both,hobbyC. both,hobbiesD. all,hobbies
色(sè shè) 房(fán fáng) 树(sù shù)
穿(chuān chuāng) 唱(chàn chàng) 窗(cuān chuāng)
南(lán nán) 中(zhōng zōng)
【题目】Linda is visiting the Yellowstone , so she’s in ______. ( )
A. the USB. AustraliaC. CanadaD. Japan
【题目】Did Tom go to Hangzhou? ( )
A.No, he can’t.B.No, he went to Beijing.
【题目】Deborah always helps my brother and ________ with ________ English. ( )
A. I; ourB. me; ourselvesC. I; myD. me; our
①棵 ②条 ③间 ④座 ⑤把 ⑥ 杯
一(____)大树 一(____)小桥 一(____)书房
一(____)尾巴 一(____)雨伞 一(____)热水
【题目】连词成句:are a You girl shy ( . )