
(     ) 1. watch out                      
(     ) 2. up and down                    
(     ) 3. Where did you go?              
(     ) 4. What are you doing?            
(     ) 5. When do you wake up every day? 
(     ) 6. Do you like peas?               
(     ) 7. How often does Danny eat donuts?
(     ) 8. a picture of my family          
(     ) 9. twice a month                 
(     ) 10. buy something for my mother   
A. I wake up at 7: 00 in the morning.
B. I am playing soccer.            
C. 上上下下                       
D. I went to the gym.               
E. 当心                           
F. Danny eats donuts twice a day. 
G. 一张我家的全家福                
H. Yes, I do.                       
I. 为妈妈买些东西                 
J. 一个月两次                     
1-5  E  C  D  B  A  6-10  H  F  G  J  I

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