
My third birthday

  同学们,如果有人问你:"你每年都过生□吗? ”也许你会毫不犹 豫地回答:"当然。"可是.有的人却要等4年才过一次生日,这是怎 么回事呢?Have a try! 

David.. Hey!Pm going to have a real birthday this year Helen : Don’t you have a birthday every year?

David : Not on the date of my birth. I have a real birthday only every four years.

Helen : Why is that? 

David : My birthday is on February the twenty-ninth, 2004. That date is only in leap years. 

Helen : How old are you going to be?

David : Twelve. But it^s just my third real birthday. Helen : So you are really going to be only three!I'm going to be eleven on the fourth of July. That's ^ Independence Day of America.

David : You’re lucky. You get to celebrate your real birthday every year —and with parades and fireworks!


1. February 29th,2008

2. February 29th,2012

3. February 29th,2016


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