
阅读短文,判断正( T)误 (F) 。
    Jack is a little boy.  He is eight years old.  He and his parents live in Washington,but his grandparents
live in New York,and it is very far(远的).  Today his paren ts are taking him to see them. So they are
going there by train. There are many people on the train. They are sitting on the seats(座位) , having a
chat or reading newspapers.  Jack is very happy, and he is running on the train.  His father says to him,
"Don't run. Sit down,please. ""I want to see my grandparents very much.  I want this train to go faster! "
Jack says.  All the people on the train laugh at him, but he doesn't know why.
1. Jack is _   _ years old.
A. six        
B. seven      
C. eight      
D. nine
2. Jack's grandparents live in           .
A. /          
B. NewYork    
C. Paris        
D. London
3. Jack is very _     .
A. sad        
B. happy      
C. tired        
D. hungry
4. Jack and his parents are going there by _    .
A. plane      
B. taxi        
C. bus        
D. train
5. Jack is            on the train.

A. running    
B. standing    
C. sitting      
D. jumping                   

       It is summer. It is Sunday. The sun is shining. Jack and Jane go to the beach (沙滩). There are many 
people on it. Grandparents like to walk near the sea. Jack and his friends like kites. They can fly the kite very 
high. Jane and her sister like to swim. A few children like ball games. They are very happy.  
A. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。          
(     ) 1. Today is a shine day.            
(     ) 2. There are some people on the beach.            
(     ) 3. Jack and his friends can't fly the kite very well.            
(     ) 4. Jane and her sister like swimming.           
(     )5. On the beach all the people are very happy.
B. 根据短文,选择正确答案。
1. What's the weather like today?
[     ]
A. Sunny.      
B. Windy.       
C. Snowy.
2. Who likes to swim?
[     ]
A. Jack.                   
B. Jane.                      
C. Children.
3. They have            today.
[     ]
A. them                    
B. a good time            
C. themselves
4. Some children           ball games.
[     ]
A. likes            
B. like               
C. like to
5. There            a lot of people on the beach.
[     ]
A. is                            
B. am                             
C. are