
      My name is Mike. I'm a new pupil in this school. I'm eleven years old. I come from America. There are
four people in my family. My mother is an English teacher. My father is a doctor. My brother and I are students.
My mother often cooks dinner for us. Today she buys (买) ten apples, some milk, some beef and ten hot dogs.
1. There are ______________ people in the family.
A. four
B. three
C. five
2. Mike is ______________ years old.
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
3. Mike's mother is a ______________.
A. doctor
B. student
C. teacher
4. Mike's mother doesn't buy (没有买) ______________.
A. water
B. beef
C. milk
5. Mike is from ______________.
A. China
B. America
C. England
1. A  2. B  3. C  4. A  5. B

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