

You will be hungry tomorrow One day Mother looks at Ron's shoes and says ,“Look at your shoes. How dirty they are!You must clean them." “But I cleaned them only yesterday ,” says the boy. “They are dirty now. You must clean them again. ” “I don't want to clean them today. If I dean them today,they will be dirty again tomorrow. ” “All right. Don’t do it then. ” Ron's mother says.

In the afternoon,Ron comes b^ck from school. He is very hungry. He asks something to eat. uYou have breakfast in the morning and you have lunch at school,Ron ,” his mother says. “But I'm hungry again ,” says Ron. “Oh,hungry again? But if I give you something to eat today,you will be hungry again tomorrow. ”

根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的打“V ”,辞误的打“ X ”。

() 1. Ron's shoes are very dirty.

() 2. Ron lets his mother clean the shoes.

() 3. Ron is very hungry when he comes home.

() 4. Ron has lunch at school. 

() 5. Ron is a lazy boy.

四、1. V 2. X 3. V 4. V 5. V


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