

Snowman; Hello! How are you?
John: Yikes! You can talk! What's your name?
Snowman: I don't ____________ I have a name.
John: Can you ____________?
Snowman: I don't know. I have never skated.
John: Do you want to ____________? I can ____________ you. Let's go!
Snowman: Wow! This is fun. Can we skate always?
John: No. ____________ is coming. Then comes ____________ and ____________.
Snowman: ____________ can't we skate in spring, summer and fall?
John: ____________ it is too warm. There is ____________, but there is no ____________ 
        and no ____________.
Snowman: And no snowmen.
John: Don't worry, I can help you.

think, skate, skate, teach, Spring, summer, fall, Why, Because, rain, snow, ice