
F Read and choose (阅读短文,选择正确的答案)

The traffic lights are the same (相同) in every country.

There are always three lights: the red light,the yellow light and the green light. The red light means “stop”,the yellow light means “slow” and the green light means “go”.

In China,drivers drive on the right side of the road. In the US,drivers drive on the right side too.ln the UK and Australia,however (可是) ,drivers drive on the left side of the road. Whether (无论) we travel by car,by bike or on foot,we must know the traffic rules and follow them.

() 1 The traffic lights have in the US.

a two colours b three colours c one colour

() 2 The yellow light means“”。 

a go b stop c slow

() 3 In . drivers drive on the left side of the road.

a China b the US c the UK

() 4 Which sentence is true?

a Only drivers must know the traffic rules,

b People in Australia drive on the right side of the road,

c We all must follow the traffic rules.


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