
      Zhang Peng has a pen pal. His name is John. John goes to school on foot, and John's mother is a doctor.
John's father is a teacher. They live next to a hospital. John's favourite food is noodles, and his favourite colour
is red. Zhang Peng knows a lot about his pen friend.
1. How does John go to school?  He goes to school ____________.
A. on foot
B. by bike
C. by subway
2. What does John's father do?  He is a ____________.
A. teacher
B. doctor
C. policeman
3. Where do they live?  They live next to a ____________.
A. cinema
B. hospital
C. library
4. John's favourite food is ____________.
A. rice
B. dumplings
C. noodles
5. John's favourite colour is ____________.
A. red
B. blue
C. white
6. Does Zhang Peng know a lot about John's pen friend? 
A. Yes, he does.
B. No, he doesn't.
C. I don't know.
1. A  2. A  3. B  4. C  5. A  6. B
      The U. S.'s flag is red, white and blue. It's the same colour as the U. K.'s and Australia's flag. It has fifty white stars, seven red stripes and six white stripes. People speak English in the U. S. The capital city of the U. S. is Washington, D. C.
1. People speak                  in the U. S.
[     ]
A. Chinese
B. English
C. French
2. How many white stars on the U. S.'s flag?
[     ]
A. Five.
B. Fifteen.
C. Fifty.

3. What colour are the stripes?

[     ]
A. White.
B. Red.
C. Red and white.
Read and choose. 快乐阅读! 根据短文内容选择正确答案。
       Hello! I'm Tony. Now I'm writing a letter to my grandmother. She is in Canada, but I'm in China. I love 
China. Beijing is great! I came to Beijing on Monday, September tenth. I want to study with Jenny, Danny and 
Li Ming. They are my good friends. Oh, my God! Where are my envelope and stamp? I really bought them this
1. Tony is writing a                .
[     ]
A. letter             
B. postcard           
C. e-mail
2. Tony wants to send this letter to her                .
[     ]
A. mother          
B. friend            
C. grandmother
3. —Where is Tony?  —He is in            .
[     ]
A. Canada          
B. China            
C. English
4. Tony came to Beijing on              .
[     ]
A. Friday, September second                     
B. Monday, September first                    
C. Monday, September tenth
5. Did Tony buy a stamp?
[     ]
A. No.                   
B. Yes.                   
C. Bought them.