
K Read and answer (阅读短文,回答问题) 10%

Mr Smith comes from the US. He works in Nanjing and lives on Danfeng Street. This morning,he feels ill after getting up. He wants to go to hospital,but he does not know the way. He sees a policewoman at the traffic lights,so he asks her for help. The policewoman tells him to go to Gulou Hospital by taxi.

The doctor says Mr Smith has a cold and a high fever. He cannot go to work today. He should take some medicine and have a rest in bed. Mr Smith thanks the doctor and goes back home.

1 Where does Mr Smith come from?

2 Does Mr Smith know the way to the hospital?

3 Who shows Mr Smith the way? 

4 What is wrong with Mr Smith?

5 What should he do?

1 He comes from the US.

2 No,he doesn't.

3 A policewoman shows him the way.

4 He has a cold and a high fever.

5 He should take some medicine and have a rest in bed


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