
           Things that go

   同学们.不同的交通工具开往不囘的地方,让我们唱着歌谣,跟随这些交通工具一起前行吧!Let’s go!

The bus goes to the next bus stop. 

The car goes to the departmentstore. 

The train goes to the station.

The fire engine goes to the fire.

The police car goes to the accident. 

The ambulance goes to the hospital. 

The truck goes to deliver some boxes. 

The plane goes to faraway places.

I go to many places.



                      Why is it farther?

   Jim要去两千米外的镇上找医生,坐了半小时的马车后.离镇居然 更远了.这是怎幺回事?快来读一读下面这个英语小故事.找到问题 的答案吧.Have a try!

   Jim's father is ill,and his mother must look after him at home. So she says to Jim, “Go to the hospital and ask a doctor to come here. ” “OK,” says the boy ,“but where is the hospital?” “In the town. ”

   Then Jim leaves his house. He gets to a crossing,but he doesn’t know the way. So he stands there.

   Just then a farmer drives a carriage and comes. Jim wants the farmer to take him to the town.

   “How far is the town from here?” asks Jim. 

   “Two kilometres ,”saysthefarmer.

   “May take your carriage?” asks Jim.

   “OK. ”

   “Thank you very much ,” says Jim. He is happy and gets on the carriage.

   Half an hour later,the carriage doesr’t get to the town. “How far is the town from here?” Jim asks again.

  “Fourkilometres ,”sciysthefarmer.

   “Why is it farther now?”

   “The carriage is going in the opposite direction. ”


() 1. Jim must ask a doctor to come because.

   A. his mother is ill

   B. his father is busy

   C. his father is ill

() 2. Jim stops at the crossing because .

   A. he doesiVt know the way to the town

   B. he wants to have a rest

   C. he wants to wait for a carriage

() 3. Half an hour later,Jim is farther from the town because

   A. the farmerloses his way

   B. the carriage goes very slowly

   C. the carriage goes in the opposite direction

() 4. 与这个故事相类似的一个寓言故事是:

   A. 南辕北辙   B. 画蛇添足   C. 亡羊补牢

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