
Dear Ann:
      I w__________ glad to read your e-mail. Now let me tell you something about m__________ field trips. We
are going to go on s__________ field trips this year. We h__________ a Science field trip a__________ a
Social Studies field trip. We study birds in the forest on our Science field trip. We study a farmer's w_________
and see many farm animals on the Social Studies field trips. We also paint trees and flowers on our A_________
 field Trips. Are there a__________ field trips at your school? C__________ you tell me something about them?
I'Il send you s__________ pictures next time.
                                    Best wishes,
1. was  2. my  3. studying  4. have  5. and  6. work  7. Art  8. any  9. Can  10. some
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       Last month, a   1    celebrating his sixteenth birthday, Jed's parents sent him to England for further study.
They told him, "You should always remember to t   2    of other people first, then you will be a whole person."
One day, he was walking in the street, suddenly he heard a big noise. He ran to where the noise c   3    from.  
When he got there, he saw a small car had knocked into the side of a truck. Someone in the car is shouting 
"Help! Help!". The street is q   4   . He looked around and found there were no people there. Q   5    he put down
his bag and tried his best to open the car door. But he couldn't. He ran b   6    down the street to the n   7    
telephone stand (电话亭) as fast as he could to call the policeman and the doctor. Soon the policeman and the 
doctor arrived. With their help, he got the car door open and carried the man o   8   . The man looked worried.
"Don't worry. You will be all right in a week or t   9   ." said Jed. The man held  Jed's hands and said, "You are 
really a good young man." Jed was very happy to hear it, he knew h  10    to be a whole person at that time.  
1.                  2.                   3.                    4.                   5.                 
6.                  7.                   8.                    9.                   10.             

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