
Part II

E Read and answer (阅读对话,回答问题) Lily: Mum,what will the weather be like tomorrow?

Mum: Maybe (可能) it’ll rain.

Lily: I don't like rain. Will it be sunny?

Mum: I don't know. I'm not the weatherwoman. By the way,why do you worry about the weather tomorrow?

Lily: Tomorrow is Sunday. I want to fly kites with my friends in the park. Mum. That sounds nice. Look!Its 7:30. Lets watch the weather forecast (天气预报) on TV.

Lily: OK.

1 What day is it today?


2 Does Lily like rain?


3 Does Lily's mother know the weather?


4 Why does Lily worry about the weather tomorrow?


5 How will Lily know the weather for tomorrow?


E 1 It is Saturday.

2 No,she doesn’t.

3 No,she doesn't.

4 Because she wants to fly kites tomorrow.

5 She will watch TV.


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