
Chen: Hey! 1.______________ ?
John: We are doing an expriment.
Chen: 2.______________ ?
John: What do ants like to eat?
Chen: That's interesting. .
John: Come and have a look.
Chen: 3._________________?
John: 4._________________. They don't like vegetables.
Chen: Are they eating the candies?
John: 5.______________.They like sweet food.

1. What are you doing
2. What experiment
3. Are they eating the vegetable
4. No, they aren't
5. Yes, they are

   shirt    sweater    T-shirt    jacket
1. A: It's cold today. You can't wear your ___________.    
     B: I can wear my __________.
2. A: It's warm today.    
    B: I can wear my __________.  
    A: You can wear your ________, too.
3. A: It's hot today.    
    B: I can wear my______!    
    B: Yes, you can.