

Papa Monkey has some monkeys. He loves them and feeds bananas in the morning and at night.

One day,Papa Monkey has only seven bananas. He says to the monkeys, “I'm sorry. I can give you THREI bananas in the MORNING and FOUR bananas at NIGHT .

“Only THREE in the morning!” cry the monkeys. “Oh,no!”

Papa Monkey says ,“OK. I'll give you FOUR bananas in the MORNING and THREE at NIGHT . How about that?”

“FOUR bananas in the morning!OK!”

What is THREE and FOUR?

What is FOUR and THREE?

The monkeys get the same SEVEN bananas a day!

love 爱,喜爱

feed 伺养

at night 在晚上

cry 哭喊,叫喊

same 相同的


() 1. At first (开始) ,Papa Monkey wants to give the monkeys

bananas in the morning.

   A. three   B. four   C. seven

() 2. The monkeys are to have four bananas in the morning.

   A. sad (难过的)   B. happy   C. angry (生气的)

() 3. In fact (事实上) ,the monkeys get the same bananas a day.

   A. three   B. four   C. seven


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