
my two is me nose are big legs
(1)Look! This is . These are arms.
(2)Look at my horse. It has four .
(3)I have long arms. They're strong.
(4)My feet big and my mouth big too.
(5)This is an elephant. It has a long . It has two ears.

【解析】(1) Look! This is me ! These are my arms. 这句话的额意思是,快看,这是我。这是我的两只手臂。me是I的宾格形式,my是I的所有格形式。
(2) Look at my horse. It has four legs. 这句话的意思hi看我的马,它有四条腿。
(3) I have two long arms. They're strong. 这句话的意思是我有两条长长的手臂。他们非常强壮。
(4) My feet are big and my mouth is big too. 这句话的意思是我的脚很大而且我的嘴巴也很大。feet是foot的复数形式,所以后面的be动词应该是are,mouth是单数形式,所以后面be动词应该使用is。
(5) This is an elephant. It has a long nose. It has two big ears。 这句话的意思是,这是只大象。它有很长的鼻子,它还有两只大大的耳朵。


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