1. 当你想知道对方姓名时,应该说:
[ ]
A. How are you?
B. What's your name?
C. Good morning!
B. What's your name?
C. Good morning!
2. 上午,你见到熟人打招呼时,应该说:
[ ]
A. Good afternoon!
B. I'm John.
C. Good morning!
B. I'm John.
C. Good morning!
3. 认识新朋友时,你感到特别高兴,你会对他说:
[ ]
A. Hello!
B. OK!
C. Nice to meet you!
B. OK!
C. Nice to meet you!
4. 老师向你问:“How are you?”时,你应回答:
[ ]
A. How are you?
B. Fine. Thank you.
C. How do you do?
B. Fine. Thank you.
C. How do you do?
5. 当你的同学对你说:“Let's paint!”你应回答:
[ ]
A. Great!
B. Thank you.
C. Bye!
B. Thank you.
C. Bye!
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A

5. 当你看见某物体,但是你不知道是什么时,应该这样说:
[ ]
A. What is it?
B. How many?
C. What many is it?
B. How many?
C. What many is it?
6. 当别人想帮助你时,你不需要,应该这样说:
[ ]
A. Let's eat.
B. No, thanks.
C. Yes, please.
B. No, thanks.
C. Yes, please.
7. 当你想说你最喜欢的食物是饺子时,应说:
[ ]
A. Dumplings aren't good.
B. I eat dumplings.
C. My favourite food is dumplings.
B. I eat dumplings.
C. My favourite food is dumplings.
8. 你想问别人“你早餐吃什么?”应该这样说:
[ ]
A. I like cereal for breadfast.
B. What's for breakfast?
C. Would you like some rice?
B. What's for breakfast?
C. Would you like some rice?
9. 你想问别人“你喜欢在麦片粥上放糖吗?”应该这样说:
[ ]
A. Do you like to put milk on cereal?
B. Do you like sugar and milk?
C. Do you like to put sugar on cereal?
B. Do you like sugar and milk?
C. Do you like to put sugar on cereal?
10. 当你想说自己有十二个苹果时,应说:
[ ]
A. I have twelve apples.
B. I have ten apples.
C. The apples are on the desk.
B. I have ten apples.
C. The apples are on the desk.