

     Clark and Lucy like sports very much.  In summer they swim and in winter they
skate. They are going skating this weekend but they don't know how the weather
will be. It's 7:35 now. They are watching TV. They are listening to the weather report
for the weekend:  "Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but it isn't going to rain.
The temperature is going to be below(低于)  zero.  It's going to snow on Friday
evening. Saturday and Sunday will be cold and sunny." Now, Clark and Lucy are
very happy.  They think they will have a good time then.

1. Clark and Lucy like _____ very much.
A.listening to the weather report
B.watching TV
C.playing basketball
2. They are going _____ this Saturday and Sunday.

A.swimming in the river
C.have a party in the classroom
D.to skating

3. They want to know about _____ .
A.the rain
B.the food
C.the weather
D.the radio
4. It _____ this weekend.
A.will rain heavily
B.will be snowy
C.will be hot and cloudy
D.will be cold and sunny

5. The temperature is going to be _____ on Friday.

A.above zero
B.below zero
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    1. 请给我一杯咖啡。
        Give me a _____________ _____________ coffee, please.
    2. 现在是白天,请关灯。
        It's day now. _____________ _____________ the lights, please.
    3. 外面下雨了,我们不能去远足了。
        It's raining now. We can't _____________ _____________.
    4. 你喜欢晨练吗?
        Do you like _____________ _____________ exercise?
    5. 现在是晚上7点钟,该吃晚饭了。
        It's 7: 00 p. m. It's _____________ _____________ supper.
    1.It's ____ for supper.
    2.What's for ________?
    3.Here comes the ________ ________.
    4.These are ________.
    5.Do you like ________?
    (     ) 1. This is my house. It's big.
    (     ) 2. I have a living room.
    (     ) 3. This is my bed.
    (     ) 4. Where's my pen?
    (     ) 5. Welcome to my home!
    (     ) 6. Is this your bedroom?
    (     ) 7. Is it in your hand?
    (     ) 8. She's in the kitchen.
    (     ) 9. I like my school.
    (     ) 10. Where are the keys?
    (     ) 11. Are they near the phone?
    A. 这是我的床。
    B. 它在你的手里吗?
    C. 这是你的卧室吗?
    D. 这是我的房子。它很大。
    E. 我有一间起居室。
    F. 它们在电话附近吗?
    G. 我喜欢我的学校。
    I. 她在厨房里。
    J. 欢迎来到我家!
    K. 钥匙在哪儿?
    1. It's ______________ for supper.  到吃晚餐的时间了。
    2. What's for ______________?  午饭吃什么?
    3. Here comes the ______________ ______________.  学校的公共汽车开来了。
    4. These are ______________.  这些是卧室。
    5. Do you like ______________?  你喜欢加拿大吗?