【题目】She’s got _________ friends in the school. ( )
A.lot ofB.muchC.many
【题目】— _________ ( )
—My baby is ill.
A. What’s wrong?B. What is it?C. Where is you baby?
【题目】I ________(be) singing.
【题目】This pen _______ one hundred and eighteen yuan. ( )
A. cost B. costs C. costing
答应(yīng yìng ) 带队(dāi dài)
想起(qǐ qī) 住院(zhù zù)
高兴(xìn xìng) 漂亮(piāo piào)
吟诵(yín yíng) 称赞(chēn chēng)
使劲(jìn jìnɡ) 艰难(nàn nán)
不禁(jīn jìn) 拨水(pō bō)
【题目】Can I _________ them on? ( )
A. tryingB. tryC. tries
【题目】My sister is quite good _________ Maths. ( )
【题目】I'm going to see a film this (晚上).
【题目】It’s 6:30 ______ now. It’s breakfast time. ( )
A. ap B. am C. pm