
4. 选择填空。

() (1) —When's your birthday? —It's .

   A. the 12th of June   B. on the 12th ofJune  

    C. Sunday

() (2 ) My birthday is on the .

   A. first of May   B. Monday   C. June

() (3) 当你想告诉别人你的生日是在7月5日,可以这样说:

   A. It's on the fifth of July.

   B. It's on the fifteenth of July.

    C It's the fifth of July.

() (4) 当你想询问朋友通常在生日时都做些什么,可以这样问:

   A. What do you do on your day?

   B. What do you usually do on your birthday?

   C. What do you do on the weekends?

() (5) What do people do on their birthdays in China?

   A. They usually eat the birthday cake. 

    B. They usually eat some noodles.

   C. They usually eat some dumplings.

4. (1) B  (2) A  (3) A  (4) B  (5) B

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