1. same. the, we, like4 colour(.)
2. schoolbags, do, you. how, have, many (?)
3. you, like, to. what, clo, do (?)
4. computer, to, play, I, like, games (.)
5. in, hot, and, sunny, it, is, June (.)
1. same. the, we, like4 colour(.)
2. schoolbags, do, you. how, have, many (?)
3. you, like, to. what, clo, do (?)
4. computer, to, play, I, like, games (.)
5. in, hot, and, sunny, it, is, June (.)
1. We like the same colour.
2. How many sc:hoolbags do you have?
3. What do you like to do?
4. I like to play computer games.
5. It is hot and sunny iri June.
2. How many sc:hoolbags do you have?
3. What do you like to do?
4. I like to play computer games.
5. It is hot and sunny iri June.
