
I Choose and complete (选择合适的词组,完成句子) 12%

a brush our teeth   b puts his things in order

c feels sleepy   d finishes her work

e eat too much sweet food   f has a healthy diet

g does well   h played football happily

i play or run   j listens to his teachers

k goes to bed early   I look out for 

1 Liu Tao at school. He always carefully.

2 We should not . It is bad for our teeth.

3 Last weekend,I with my friends in the playground.

4 Mike never in class. He every day.

5 We should in the morning and before bedtime.

6 Miss Li usually before nine o'clock.

7 Yang Ling , so she is very healthy.

8 Don't on the road. That is not safe.

9 Wang Bing's room is tidy because he always。 

10 We should cars and bikes before crossing the street.

I 1 g,j 2 e 3 h 4 c,k 5 a 6 d 7 f 8 i 9b 10 l


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