


1 .恭西思疋一大早就起床。

Lucy gets up early in the morning.

2. 夏天我经常去游泳。

I go swimming in summer.

3. 我希望再不要见到他。

I hope to see him again.

4. 有时我们忙,有时我们不忙。

we are busy and we’re not.

六、 1. always   2. often   3. never   4. Sometimes,sometimes

Unit 4 一、将所听到的单词的序号填入题前括号内,听一遍。

1. wake 2. net 3. mustn't 4.  people 5. bite 6. loudly 7. stay 8. cola 9. habit 10. fourth


1. You must look at the traffic lights and wait for the greenman.

2. To keep safe,you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.

3. You must first look left,then right and then right.

4. You mustn't play football on the ro

一、 根据所听内容,选择相应的答语,并将其序号填入题前括号里,听两遍。

1. Do you have a healthy diet?

2. Does Mike go to bed early?

3. Would you like to buy some lollipops?

4. Must I go to the doctor?

5. What must you do in the library?


1. couldn’t 2. walked 3. then 4. city 5. sometimes 6. kitchen 7. washed 8. habits 9. slowly 10. tomatoes

二、 根据所听内容,判断正误,正确的打V”,错误的打“X”,听两遍。

Rules A. Use your own students card only. 

    B. Take good care of all the books.

   C. Put the books back after you read them.

   D. Keep quiet in the reading room.

   E. No food or drink.

   F. Keep the room clean and tidy.

   G. Remember to return the books on time.


In China,except Hong Kong and Macau,people drive on the right side of the road. When you cross the road,first,you must look for a zebra crossingThen,you must look at the traffic lights. When you see the red man,you must stop. When you see the green man,you can cross it safely.

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