
bird, bear, balloon, ball, bread, brown, six, eight, doll, kite, duck, three, French fries, chicken,
cake, coffee, blue, Happy birthday to you, white, juice, tea, pink, Happy New Year, hand, foot,
Happy Teachers' day, arm, milk, eraser, ruler, four, sharpener, pen, ear, mouse
1. 动物: ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________
2. 数字: ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________
3. 玩具: ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________
4. 食物: ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________
5. 饮料: ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________
6. 颜色: ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________
7. 器官: ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________
8. 文具: ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________
9. 祝贺语: ______________________  ______________________  ______________________ 
动物: bird, bear, duck, mouse
数字: six, eight, three, four
玩具: doll, balloon, ball, kite
食物: bread, French fries, chicken, cake
饮料: coffee, juice, tea, milk
颜色: brown, blue, white, pink
器官: hand, foot, arm, ear
文具: eraser, ruler, sharpener, pen
祝贺语: Happy birthday to you, Happy New Year, Happy Teachers' day