
    English people say “Thank you” every day. In the morning,a teacher asks a student,wGood morning. How are your, The student answers, “l,m fine,thank you. ” This is the first “Thank you” of a day.

    When your deskmate says, “Your skirt is nice ,” you say. “Thank you.「m so happy."

When your classmate helps you clean the classroom after school,yousay‘‘Thankyou”too.

   At your birthday party,your friends give you presents and say, “This is for you. Happy     Birthday!” You answer, “Thank you ”After you open the present,you may say ,“This is cool. Mike it very much. ” And you can get a “thank you” in return (作为回报) .

    When you hear people say to you, “Your English is very good ,” how do you answer it?

Yes,the answer is “Thank you”.


() 1. People in English-speaking countries say aThank you .

   A. many times (次) a day

   B. only (仅仅) in the morning

   C. in the afternoon

() 2. When you say to an English girl, “You look beautiful today,”

she answers, ‘‘

   A. Yes,l,m nice

   B. No,not at all

   C. Thank you. I'm happy to hear that

() 3. You don't say “Thank you” when

   A. you hear “Your English is very good”

   B. your parents give you a present

   C. you meet an old friend


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