
B Listen and choos? (听录音,选择正确的答案)

() 1 What is Mr Brown doing?

     A He is watching TV. 

     B He is washing the dishes.

     C He is making the bed.

() 2 Why can't Mike help his.father?

     A Because he is doing his homework.

     B Because he is not at home. 

     C Because he Is making the bed.

() 3 Where is Helen?

     A She is in her bedroom.

     B She is in the kitchen.

     C She is in the classroom.

() 4 What is Helen doing?

     A She is having a lesson.

     B She is dancing.

     C She is making the bed.

() 5 Why can't Helen help her father?

     A Because she cannot wash the dishes.

     B Because she is sleeping.

     C Because she has a dancing lesson soon.

1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 C

M: Mike,I'm washing the dishes. Can you come and help me?

B1: Sorry,Dad. I'm doing my homework.

M: OK. Where's Helen?

B1: She's in the bedroom.

M: Helen,what are you doing?

G: I'm making the bed.

M: Can you help me wash the dishes?

G: Sorry,Dad. I have a dancing lesson at nine o'clock. I'm late. M: Everyone is busy today.

B2: Dad,I can help you.

M: Ha!Ha! Thank you,Tim. But can you wash the dishes?


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