
      Tom is my best friend. He's from Canada. He's 13 years old. He's younger than me, but I'm shorter than
him. And he looks stronger. Today he feels sad, because it's the end of the school year. He will leave China
and go back to Canada. Last weekend we had a farewell party for Tom. We went to a shop to buy a VCD
about pandas for him. Because Tom likes pandas very much. When he got our gift, he looked excited. Then
we went to the zoo and park together. We saw pandas and rowed a boat for a long time. We had a good time
on that day. Goodbye, my friend! Goodbye, Tom! Take care!
1. What's Tom like?  He is ______________.
A. young and short
B. tall and thin
C. strong and short
D. young and strong
2. How old is Tom? 
A. He's thirteen.
B. He's fifteen.
C. He's fourteen.
D. He's sixteen.
3. How does Tom feel today? 
A. He's excited.
B. He's sad.
C. He's happy.
D. He's angry.
4. What did they buy for Tom?
A. They bought a panda.
B. They bought a VCD.
C. They bought a book.
D. They bought a boat.
5. Where did they go last weekend?
A. They went to the zoo.
B. They went to the park.
C. They went to the farewell party.
D. A and B.
1. D  2. A  3. B  4. B  5. D
       In the USA, people celebrate (庆祝) Halloween on October 31st. Children always dress up. They wear 
special costumes and masks. They knock (敲) on their neighbours' (邻居) doors and shout (喊) "trick or treat".
Their neighbours usually treat (招待) them with chocolates and sweets. Or they can play a trick on them.
       Children also like to make Jack-O-lanterns for Halloween. They cut out some shapes to make the eyes, the
nose and the sharp (尖锐的) teeth. Then they put some candles in the pumpkin lanterns. Children like Halloween
very much.
1. Halloween is on              .
[     ]
A. December 31st      
B. October 31st                  
C. November 31st
2. Childen usually wear             at Halloween.
[     ]
A. costumes           
B. masks                       
C. A and B
3. The children can get             from the "Trick or treat".
[     ]
A. sweets             
B. lanterns                     
C. masks
4. A Jack-O-lantern is made of             .
[     ]
A. chocolate           
B. pumpkin lanterns and candles  
C. eggs
5. People usually put             in the pumpkin lanterns.
[     ]
A. candles             
B. sweets                        
C. chocolate