1. comes.a,box, in, cercal(.)
2. put, sugar, milk, I, it, on. and(.)
3. for, time, is, it, breakfast(.)
4. like, I, cookies, ice cream. for, dessert, and(.)
5. dumplings, noodles, and, aren't, delicious(.)
2. put, sugar, milk, I, it, on. and(.)
3. for, time, is, it, breakfast(.)
4. like, I, cookies, ice cream. for, dessert, and(.)
5. dumplings, noodles, and, aren't, delicious(.)
1. Cereal comes in a box.
2. I put milk and sugar on it.
3. It is time for breakfast.
4. I like cookies and ice cream for dessert.
5. Dumplings ans noodles aren't delicious.
2. I put milk and sugar on it.
3. It is time for breakfast.
4. I like cookies and ice cream for dessert.
5. Dumplings ans noodles aren't delicious.
