
一、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。

() 1. A. What do we want to do? B. What do you want to do?

   C. What do you want to be?

() 2. A. Let's make a head   B. Let's make an ear.

   C. Let's make a hand.

() 3. A. I want to make his eyes. B. I want to make her ears.

   C. I want to make his ears.

() 4. A. Do you want to go to the park? B. Do you want to go to the bank?

   C. You want to go to the bank.


  1. What do you want to be? 2.  Let's make a head 3. I ; want to make his ears. 4.  Do you want to go to the bank?

—、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B


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