How did ancient people tell time?

Natural ways of keeping time

In ancient timepeople had to use the sun and the moon to tell timeThey got up when the sun came up and worked in the fields until the sun went down

Man-made things

The sand clock is made of two glass balls joined by a narrow neckThe top ball was filled with sandThe sand slowly moved through the neck into the bottom底部ballPeople knew the time by watching how much sand fell to the bottom hallPeople also made the water clockThey made a small hole near the bottom of a potwhen the water in the pot drippedoutmarking刻度inside the pot showed how much time passed

Body clocks in living things

Animals' body clock

Animals don't need clocks to know timeThey have their body clocksBirds know when to fly to warmer places before winterSome animals know when to keep more food for the winterSome fish know when it's time to move up the river and lay eggs

Plants' own clock

Plants have their own clocks to keep timePlants know when to open flowers or when to drop their leaves

Body clock in human beings

People also have their own body clocksWhen we get used to our livesour body clocks can be very exactIt can tell us when it's time to wake upIt can also tell us when to eat or to go to sleep

1How could an ancient farmer know when to go back home from the field in the daytime?

ABy looking at the moon                         BBy the sand clock or the water clock

CBy looking at the sun                               DBy feeling whether tired or not

2According to the passagehow can animals know time?

AThey use body clocks                           BThey ask other animals

CThey use the sun and the moon                DThey make something to tell time

3How many kinds of living things with body clocks are mentioned here?

ATwo                BThree               CFour                   DSix

4In what way is the sand clock the same as the water clock in telling time?

ABoth of them have a neck

BBoth of them have two glass balls

CBoth of them can be used only once

DBoth of them give the time by quantity数量).

5The passage is mainly about _________

Aman-made clocks                                    Bnature's clocks

Ctime and clock                                           Dhow people keep time

Each year there are an increasing number of cars on roadsas millions of new cars are producedOne out of every six Americans works at putting together the parts of carsdriving trucksbuilding roads or filling cars with gasAmericans couldn't live without cars!

Most Americans find it hard to think what life would be without a carHoweversome have realized the serious problem caused by carsThe polluted air is harmful and dangerous to health

One way to get rid of the polluted air is to design a new carThat is what several large car factories are trying to doBut to build the new car is easier said than doneProgress in this field has been slow

Another way is to replace the car engine with something elseEngineers are working on some new carsMany makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that pleases people

To prevent the world from being polluted by carswe'll have to make some changesAmericansfor examplehave to cut down the number of their carsThey are encouraged  to travel and go to work by bikeRiding a bike is thought to help keep the air clean

But this change does not come easilyA large number of workers may find themselves with no jobs if a car factory closes downAnd the problem of air would become less important than that of unemployment

Although ears have brought us a better lifethey have also brought us new problems

1Some large car factories in the USA are trying to make a new kind of car which _______

Ais clean in itself                                 Bis used to clean streets

Cis easier to make                                       Ddoes not pollute the air

2If the number of cars is cut downthe most serious problem to American workers is to _____

Alose their jobs                                          Bpollute their environment

Cgo to work on foot                                  Dmake their factories richer

3The writer wants to tell us that _________

Ariding a bike is the only way out

Bthe number of caps must be cut down

Cpeople wouldn't live without cars

Dcars bring us not only a better lifebut also serious problems

4Which fact does the passage provide?

AAbout one sixth of American workers are working in car factories

BThe hest way to get rid of air pollution is to change the car engine for something else

CIt isn't easy to change the way of life in the USA

DIn the USAbikes will surely take the place of cars in the future

5Which is the best title for the passage?

AA New way to Get Rid of Polluted Air             BCars and Polluted Air

CMany Serious Problems in the USA         DChanges in Car Production

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