
Useful Phone Number

Taxi: 87216988

Hospital: 66788744

Fast Food Restaurant:66387911

Visitor Hotel Information: 800-399-7979

Visitor Information Centre: 800-220-9833


For Children

Cinema: Cartoon films for children, 48 Zhongshan Road, 55659988

Museum: Children’s Museum, Sundays, 89 East Street, 65661234

Sports: Pingpong Club, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Children’s Palace, 95986251

Basketball Club, Wednesdays and Fridays, Yangtze Stadium, 79786602

Story time: Children’s Library, 98 Green Street, Wednesday from 8:30 a.m.-11:30a.m., 65669689

1. If you call 66387911, you can ________________.

   A. do some shopping             B. order some fast food

   C. have a story time               D. ask for some hotel information

2. If your mother suddenly falls ill, what number do you have to call?

   A. 65661234.           B. 55659988.                C. 66788744.               D. 65669689.

3. It’s Wednesday afternoon, you can go to ___________. 

   A. play pingpong      B. play basketball           C. read stories.              D. visit the museum

4. If your brother wants to see cartoon films, he should go to _________.

   A. 48 Zhongshan Road           B. 89 East Street

   C. Yangtze Stadium                D. 98 Green Street

5. What information can’t you find from the two notices?

   A. Taking a taxi.                  B. Visitor hotel information. 

   C. Eating fast food.                   D. Playing football.







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