In Londonthere are many great places of interestHere is some information about themIf you have an interest in visiting Londonread the following first

Tower Bridge

    AddressLondon SE12UP United Kingdom

    Hours 9:30a.m.6:00 p.m. daily Nov.Mar.

            10:00a.m.— 6:30 p.m. daily Apr.Oct.

    Short introductionTower Bridge is famous all over the worldand is one of the most visited bridges in historyIt was designed by Sir Horace Jonesand opened in 1894

Tower Hill

    AddressLondon EC3N4AB United Kingdom

    Hours9:00a.m.—5:00p.m. Mon.Sat.10:00a.m.—5:00p.m.Sun

           (1st March—31St October)

           9:00a.m.4:00p.m. Tues.Sat.10:00a.m.—4:00p.m.Sun.Mon

           (1st November—28th February)

    Short introductionThe Tower of London is nine hundred years old

Buckingham Palace Rd

    AddressLondon SWIA 1AA United Kingdom


    State Rooms9:30a.m.—4:15p.m.

    Short introductionBuckingham Palace has been the official home of the British Royal Family since 1837

The Clock Tower and Big Ben

AddressLondon SWIA2NE United Kingdom

Short introduction: The Clock Tower is the famous tower of the Houses of Parliament(国会).It is 96.3 meters tall and was built in 1959“Big Ben” is the name of the clock inside this famous tower

1The information above is mainly about ________ .

Afamous hotels in London           Bthe writer’s travel plan

Cplaces of interest in the UK         Dan introduction to England

2When it’s 6p.m. on October l2thyou can visit______.

ATower Bridge                    BBuckingham Palace

CTower Hill                      Dnowhere

3If you want to visit the official home of the British Royal Family, you can go to________.

ALondon EC3N 4AB United Kingdom

BLondon SW1A 2NE United Kingdom

CLondon SE1 2UP United Kingdom

DLondon SW1A 1AA United Kingdom

4Which building is the oldest?

      ATower Bridge                    BThe Tower of London

      CBuckingham Palace               DThe Clock Tower

5If you want to see “Big Ben”, you should go to_________.

AThe Clock Tower                   BBuckingham Palace Rd

CTower Hill                        DTower Bridge

There are three levels of English pronunciation

   Level 1People often don’t understand what you want to saybecause you use the wrong sounds

Level 2People understand what you want to saybut it is unpleasant to listen to.

Level 3People understand youand your English is pleasant to listen to.

Level 3 is called good pronunciationNotice that good pronunciation is not “perfect American or British accent(口音)”You don’t have to sound like the Queen of England or the President of the United States of America

    Why? Because there are many different kinds of English pronunciation .In Englandpeople from Newcastle speak English differently from people in London. In Americapeople from New York CityCaliforniaand Texas each have their own pronunciation. So it is no problem if you have your own accent. But your accent must be close to the standard(标准)American or British English)What does that mean? Turn on your TV and watch channels like CNN InternationalNBCEuro News or BBCYou will hear many different people (news anchorsreportersetc)from GermanyFranceand other non-English-speaking countriesThey all have good accent ­—easy to understand and pleasant to listen to

    The rule isIf you are close to the standardyou can always communicateand your English will sound goodIf you are far from the standardsometimes you won’t be able to communicate successfully

   1What is good pronunciation according to the passage?

      APeople can understand you

      BYou use the right sounds

      CYou are pleasant to listen to and can communicate successfully

      DIt means you must have a perfect American or British accent

2What can we learn from the third paragraph?

      AEverybody in Britain speaks English in the same way

      BWatching TV is the best way to learn English

      CIn Englandpeople have different accents

      DThe Queen of England speaks the best English

3Why don’t we have to sound like the Queen of England or the President of the USA?

      AThere are many different kinds of English pronunciation

      BThe Queen doesn’t speak standard English

      CAccent is necessary for good pronunciation

      DWe should learn English by ourselves

4What does the passage mainly talk about?

      AThe three level of English pronunciation

      BThe different kinds of English

      CHow to communicate with foreigners

      DWhat good English pronunciation is

5What does the author advise?

      AHave your own accentbut try to be close to the standard

      BTry to speak like the President of the United States

      CTry to set up your own standard of English

      DLearn English from people in different countries

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