
She is on a special _____ to lose _____ weight.

A. food; her
B. food; /
C. diet; the
D. diet; /



“My energy is soaring!” — Adrienne Farr

Adrienne’s busy career made it hard for her to follow a healthy diet. But when her scale topped 200 and her knees and back were aching, she knew it was time to a change. She told us that she had always battled her weight. In 21 days, THE DIGEST DIET helped Adrienne lose:

18.5 pounds

9.5 inches

And more that 7% of her body fat!

She says her back no longer aches and her knees feel better. She tells us, “I never thought it was possible to lose so much weight so quickly in such a healthy way. This is something I can do for the rest of my life.

“What’s better than seeing great results in a short 21 days?” — Wayne Nobes

Like so many, Wayne gained those “happiness pounds” in the first year of marriage. Too many nights of takeout and eating out left him overweight. But when his wife became pregnant with their first baby, everything changed. Wayne wanted to start fatherhood off on the right food, and on the THE DIGEST DIET he lost:

10 pounds

6.25 inches

And 7.5% of his total body fat

Today Wayne tells us he is feeling good from eating all the nutritious food. He says he is sleeping better and has more energy, which is definitely going to come in handy when their baby is born. He is thrilled that he can enjoy so many of the foods and flavors he loves, while still seeing a noticeable difference in the mirror.

“I can zip my size 10s!” — Dianne Rohan

Diane told us that she had battled her weight all her life. But once she hit her early 40s, nothing worked to help her lose. Her own doctor said, “You are middle aging!” Unwilling to accept that, she tried THE DIGEST DIET and in 21 days she lost:

11 pounds

8 inches

And almost 5% of her total body fat!

Now Diane tells us she feels less sluggish and her skin is clear and bright.

60. Adrienne Farr tried the digest diet because she _______

   A. was too busy to go on any diet

   B. had pain in her back and became thin

   C. had not enough money but some change

   D. wanted to change her health condition

61. Wayne Nobes _______.

   A. put on weight after he got married

   B. have never dined out since his marriage

   C. began the diet after his baby was born

   D. couldn’t eat what he wanted due to the diet

62. By saying “You are middle aging!” Diane’s doctor means _______.

   A. as a middle-aged woman she didn’t need to lose weight

   B. it was almost impossible for her to lose weight due to her age

   C. she hadn’t been trying her best to keep herself in good shape

   D. she should have dealt with her weight problem earlier

63. The passage is intended to ________.

   A. share with us some stories of successful people

   B. show the importance of keeping ourselves healthy

   C. instruct us on how to go on a proper diet

   D. advertise a special kind of slimming diet



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