
— Will you come with me to see a film?
— Well, _____, but I will try my best.

A. as usually
B. no way
C. not a bit
D. it depends






1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a school.

B.In a library.

C.In a hospital.

2.What did the woman think of the lecture?

A.It was popular.

B.It was boring.

C.It was interesting.

3.How is the girl going to spend the weekend?

A.Doing her homework.

B.Preparing for the competition.

C.Boating in the Water Park.

4.Where does the woman most probably work?

A.In a music store.

B.In a computer lab.

C.In a school library.

5.Why didn’t the man go to the exhibition?

A.The ticket was too expensive.

B.Buying tickets took time.

C.Da Vinci was not his favorite.

听力原文:(Text 1)

M:Excuse me, is it my turn now?I have been waiting for some time and I was wondering…

W:I’m sorry.The doctor is so busy.

(Text 2)

M:It was such an interesting lecture.I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

W:I must admit that I always fell asleep in the first 30 minutes.

(Text 3)

M:Have a nice weekend.Do you have anything exciting?

W:No, not really.I was thinking of boating in the Water Park with my parents.But you know the international English telling competition is coming up, so I will stay at home and prepare for it.

(Text 4)

W:Good morning, Mig music.

M:Hello, I’d like to know if I can order the new discovery CD.

W:Certainly.Let me check on the computer.Yes, the order number is CD392BK.The price is 30 ponds 99.

(Text 5)

M:Did you go to the Italian art & tech exhibition in Tianjin University last month?

W:Yes, it was wonderful.I particularly like the works by Da Vinci.

M:I wish I had gone but I heard we have to wait for two hours to get the ticket.




6.What do we learn about Bill?

A.He just got out of trouble.

B.He did something right.

C.He enjoyed what he had done.

7.What kind of film does the woman prefer?

A.Something exciting.

B.Something educational.

C.Something relaxing.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:Hi Bill, you look happy.

M:Yes.I’ve just seen a very funny film on TV.

W:What was it about?

M:It was about a careless man who got into trouble wherever he went.He couldn’t do anything right.

W:So you like it?

M:Yes, I did.It made me laugh a lot.

W:But I rather see something not only interesting but also instructive.

M:Oh Jane, don’t be so serious.People sometimes need relaxation.

W:That’s true.But I just think that watching TV is not just for entertainment.


8.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Their future study.

B.The graduation party.

C.College entrance exam.

9.In what field is the boy most likely to work in the future?




10.What do we learn about the girl?

A.Her uncle has a company.

B.She dreams of becoming a doctor.

C.She wants to live in Hong Kong.

听力原文:(Text 7)

M:How are you, Lily.Great graduation party, isn’t it?

W:Yes.Everyone here is having a good time.Any ideas for the future?

M:Well, I’m interested in finance and my uncle runs a company in Hong Kong, so I decided to go to Hong Kong University.

W:Sounds great.Hong Kong is an international financial center.You will surely go far there.

M:What about you?

W:I’d like to go to university in Beijing.

M:What do you want to take as you major, computer science or medicine?

W:I prefer medicine.It’s always being my dream to be a doctor.


11.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Cultures of Australia and New Zealand.

B.A plan to travel to Australia and New Zealand.

C.Similarities and differences between two countries.

12.What are the people of the two countries like?

A.They are crazy about sports.

B.They like drinking and talking.

C.They are interested in shopping.

13.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.New Zealand has a warmer climate.

B.Australian beaches are slightly better.

C.Both countries are attractive to travelers.

听力原文:(Text 8)

M:I hear that you have just been to Australia and New Zealand;can you tell me something about the two countries?

W:Well, Australia is much bigger than New Zealand.You can leave a town and drive for hours before coming to the next one.There are more nationalities there.But New Zealand has a much cooler climate.

M:Is there anything similar about them?

W:They both have beautiful beaches, green forests and mountains.So traveling in both countries is very exciting.

M:What about the cultures?

W:They have very similar cultures.Perhaps because they are such close neighbors.Both cultures are very relaxed and friendly.You can go into a corner shop to buy a drink and then end up to talking to shop keeper for hours.What’s more, people in both countries are sports mad.


14.What does the boy do at the gym every week?

A.Swim three times.

B.Take a part-time job.

C.Play ping-pong sometimes.

15.Why doesn’t the girl go to the gym?

A.She doesn’t like doing exercise.

B.Study has been her first concern.

C.The gym schedule is too tight for her.

16.What is the girl probably going to do?

A.Do some sport.

B.Meet her teacher.

C.Study even harder.

听力原文:(Text 9)

W:Hi, you look tired.

M:Yeah, but actually I feel great.I’ve just been working out at the gym.

W:Really?What do you do?

M:Well, usually I play ping-pong three times a week.If I have time, I go for a short swim.

W:I have never been to the gym.I am so busy with my classes that I just don’t have time to exercise.

M:Oh, that’s too bad.I think you will enjoy the gym if you start going.

W:My schedules are so tight.You know, my teachers all have great expectations of me.

M:Well, anyway, think about it.And if you will find the time, I do encourage you to try it.You’d feel 100% better.

W:Yeah.I really need to start to get some exercises.I will give it some serious thought.


17.Why is Fred invited to the program?

A.To advertise his driving school.

B.To talk about learning to drive.

C.To share his driving experiences.

18.How do Fred’s customers know about him?

A.Through friends.

B.Through newspapers.

C.Through the program.

19.Why does Fred have so many customers now?

A.He works harder.

B.He is warm-hearted.

C.He offers lower prices.

20.What does Fred do first in training beginners?

A.He calms them down.

B.He talks to them.

C.He sits beside them.

听力原文:(Text 10)

  W:Welcome to our program.Today we have invited Fred Watson, a driving instructor of over 20 years experience to talk to us about learning to drive.Well, Fred, do you think it’s getting more expensive to learn to drive these days?

  M:Well, it depends.If you come for a private instructor like me, it’s probably going to be a bit less expensive than going to a big school.The thing is, people have usually heard of the big school and trust them.Well, I get customers through personal connections.

  W:Does that mean you have to try harder to get customers??

  M:Not now, when I started I have to.But at the moment I am fully booked and my prices are quite competitive.

  W:Learning to drive is usually a nervous experience for beginners.What do you think?

  M:Well, it can be.But I try to get them to sit quietly in the drive’s seat for a few moments.With their eyes closed, you will be surprised how it changed some people.They fell much more ready for driving if they had a few quiet moments.

  W:Yes, I suppose some people are much more nervous than others.





M:Hi.Are you here on vacation or business?

W:I’m here on vacation.I think Taiwan is beautiful.

1.What is the woman here for?

A.For an interview.

B.On business.

C.On vacation.

M:I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour.Is that all right?

W:Good.That means you will be here at 8∶30.

2.What time is it now?

A.Nine o’clock.

B.Eight o’clock.

C.Seven thirty.

W:Do you think that every language has a spoken form?

M:Certainly I do, but not every language has a written form.

3.Which form comes first, written or spoken?

A.Either the written form or the spoken one comes first.

B.The written form appears before the spoken one.

C.The spoken form comes before the written one.

M:I have seen the film Three Men and a Baby twice.I still really enjoy it.

W:That’s nothing.I’ve seen it four times.My brother has seen it five.

4.How many times has the woman seen the film Three Men and a Baby?

A.Two times.

B.Three times.

C.Four times.

M:I like these coats.How much are they?

W:40 dollars each, or two for 70 dollars.

5.How much will each one cost if you buy two coats?

A.30 dollars.

B.35 dollars.

C.40 dollars.




W:Hey, Karl! Why all this hurry?

M:Hi, Amber.How’s everything?

W:Really good.I’ve been really busy all day.How about you? I haven’t seen you for a while.

M:Yeah, today it has just been crazy for me too.I’ve been working like a mad man all day.

W:There just isn’t enough time.I haven’t even done a tenth of my paperwork.

M:It’s no joke, is it? I’ve still got a ton of paperwork to do, too.

W:I had a million things to do today, and only managed to finish a few.

6.What do both the man and the woman most probably do?

A.They are dustmen.

B.They are sportsmen.

C.They are office workers.

7.What do we know about today’s work?

A.Both of them have been busy with the work all day.

B.The man has been busier than the woman.

C.The man could spare a few minutes to relax.

8.What do we know from the conversation?

A.Both of them have finished their today’s work.

B.They have been so busy that they haven’t seen each other recently.

C.Both of them are joking.


M:What are you going to do tonight, Betty?

W:I’m going to eat at the new Chinese restaurant, just opposite your office.It’s not far from my house, about fifteen minutes’ walk.

M:Really? I was there last night, with some friends of mine.

W:Were there many people there?

M:Yes, a lot.

W:How was the food there?

M:It was great, really delicious.The vegetables were very fresh.But the service was not good enough, I’m afraid.

9.What are the speakers talking about?

A.What they’re going to do.

B.What they did.

C.A restaurant.

10.What is NOT mentioned about the Chinese restaurant in the talk?



C.Where it is.


M:Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.

W:Arm exercises? Is that because arms are too fat or soft?

M:Actually that’s not the main reason.They say that arm exercises can make you physically healthy.

W:But I was told that arm exercises could raise your blood pressure.

M:Yes, but the article I read suggests some ways to make up for that.

W:Really? How?

M:By adding leg exercises, so that the arms don’t do all the work.

W:And in return I’m sure that there’s a good chance of losing weight.

M:Sounds right to me.

W:So what exercises do the experts suggest?

M:They mentioned quite a few exercises, but one of the most popular ones is riding a bike.

W:Good.I will try that.

11.Why are some doctors strongly encouraging arm exercises now?

A.Because our arms are often too fat.

B.Because our arms are often too soft.

C.Because arm exercises can build our health.

12.How will your blood pressure act when you have arm exercises?

A.Slow down.


C.Keep normal.

13.What should arms exercises be done with?

A.Head exercises.

B.Neck exercises.

C.Leg exercises.


M:Miss Helen, can you tell me a little bit about where you have worked before?

W:Well, my last job was with Enron.

M:And when did you start with them?

W:Two years ago.

M:I see.So why did you decide to leave?

W:Well, perhaps you have heard that the company closed down earlier this year.

M:Yes, we’ve heard about it.And where did you work before Enron?

W:The ABC Motor Company.

M:How long did you work for them?

W:For five years, as a secretary.

M:And why did you leave that job as a secretary?

W:Well, I felt I needed a change.I think I learnt all I could do there.

M:OK, that’s enough on your working experience.Thank you.

14.What is the man asking about?

A.The woman’s last job.

B.The ABC Motor Company.

C.The woman’s working experience.

15.How many companies has the woman worked for?




16.Why did the woman leave Enron?

A.She needed a change.

B.She had a quarrel with her boss.

C.The company closed down.

17.How many years did the woman work for the ABC Motor Company?

A.Two years.

B.Five years.

C.Seven years.


The 28th Olympic Games were held in its birthplace Athens this year again.But so you know how we got from the Ancient Olympics to the Modern Games? Now let me tell you something.?

Although the ancient Games were held in Olympia, Greece, through 776 BC to 393 AD, it took 1503 years for the Olympics to return.The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896.The man responsible for its rebirth was a Frenchman named Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who presented the idea in 1894.His original thought was to hold the first modern Games in 1900 in Paris, but delegates from 34 countries were so devoted to the idea of holding it in Athens that they made him give up his original thought and move the Games up to 1896 and have Athens serve as the first host.

18.When did the ancient Olympics stop?

A.776 BC.

B.393 AD.

C.After 1503.

19.Who first came up with the idea of the rebirth of the Olympics?

A.The Greeks.

B.A Frenchman.

C.The Olympic Committee.

20.Why did delegates from 34 countries insist on having Athens serve as the first host?

A.Because the Olympic Games were born in Greece.

B.Because Paris is farther to other countries than Athens.

C.Because the Olympic Games should return to its hometown.





M:Hi.Are you here on vacation or business?

W:I’m here on vacation.I think Taiwan is beautiful.

1.What is the woman here for?

A.For an interview.

B.On business.

C.On vacation.

M:I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour.Is that all right?

W:Good.That means you will be here at 8∶30.

2.What time is it now?

A.Nine o’clock.

B.Eight o’clock.

C.Seven thirty.

W:Do you think that every language has a spoken form?

M:Certainly I do, but not every language has a written form.

3.Which form comes first, written or spoken?

A.Either the written form or the spoken one comes first.

B.The written form appears before the spoken one.

C.The spoken form comes before the written one.

M:I have seen the film Three Men and a Baby twice.I still really enjoy it.

W:That’s nothing.I’ve seen it four times.My brother has seen it five.

4.How many times has the woman seen the film Three Men and a Baby?

A.Two times.

B.Three times.

C.Four times.

M:I like these coats.How much are they?

W:40 dollars each, or two for 70 dollars.

5.How much will each one cost if you buy two coats?

A.30 dollars.

B.35 dollars.

C.40 dollars.




W:Hey, Karl!Why all this hurry?

M:Hi, Amber.How’s everything?

W:Really good.I’ve been really busy all day.How about you? I haven’t seen you for a while.

M:Yeah, today it has just been crazy for me too.I’ve been working like a mad man all day.

W:There just isn’t enough time.I haven’t even done a tenth of my paperwork.

M:It’s no joke, is it?I’ve still got a ton of paperwork to do, too.

W:I had a million things to do today, and only managed to finish a few.

6.What do both the man and the woman most probably do?

A.They are dustmen.

B.They are sportsmen.

C.They are office workers.

7.What do we know about today’s work?

A.Both of them have been busy with the work all day.

B.The man has been busier than the woman.

C.The man could spare a few minutes to relax.

8.What do we know from the conversation?

A.Both of them have finished their today’s work.

B.They have been so busy that they haven’t seen each other recently.

C.Both of them are joking.


M:What are you going to do tonight, Betty?

W:I’m going to eat at the new Chinese restaurant, just opposite your office.It’s not far from my house, about fifteen minutes’ walk.

M:Really? I was there last night, with some friends of mine.

W:Were there many people there?

M:Yes, a lot.

W:How was the food there?

M:It was great, really delicious.The vegetables were very fresh.But the service was not good enough, I’m afraid.

9.What are the speakers talking about?

A.What they’re going to do.

B.What they did.

C.A restaurant.

10.What is NOT mentioned about the Chinese restaurant in the talk?



C.Where it is.


M:Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.

W:Arm exercises?Is that because arms are too fat or soft?

M:Actually that’s not the main reason.They say that arm exercises can make you physically healthy.

W:But I was told that arm exercises could raise your blood pressure.

M:Yes, but the article I read suggests some ways to make up for that.


M:By adding leg exercises, so that the arms don’t do all the work.

W:And in return I’m sure that there’s a good chance of losing weight.

M:Sounds right to me.

W:So what exercises do the experts suggest?

M:They mentioned quite a few exercises, but one of the most popular ones is riding a bike.

W:Good.I will try that.

11.Why are some doctors strongly encouraging arm exercises now?

A.Because our arms are often too fat.

B.Because our arms are often too soft.

C.Because arm exercises can build our health.

12.How will your blood pressure act when you have arm exercises?

A.Slow down.


C.Keep normal.

13.What should arms exercises be done with?

A.Head exercises.

B.Neck exercises.

C.Leg exercises.


M:Miss Helen, can you tell me a little bit about where you have worked before?

W:Well, my last job was with Enron.

M:And when did you start with them?

W:Two years ago.

M:I see.So why did you decide to leave?

W:Well, perhaps you have heard that the company closed down earlier this year.

M:Yes, we’ve heard about it.And where did you work before Enron?

W:The ABC Motor Company.

M:How long did you work for them?

W:For five years, as a secretary.

M:And why did you leave that job as a secretary?

W:Well, I felt I needed a change.I think I learnt all I could do there.

M:OK, that’s enough on your working experience.Thank you.

14.What is the man asking about?

A.The woman’s last job.

B.The ABC Motor Company.

C.The woman’s working experience.

15.How many companies has the woman worked for?




16.Why did the woman leave Enron?

A.She needed a change.

B.She had a quarrel with her boss.

C.The company closed down.

17.How many years did the woman work for the ABC Motor Company?

A.Two years.

B.Five years.

C.Seven years.


  The 28th Olympic Games were held in its birthplace Athens this year again.But do you know how we got from the Ancient Olympics to the Modern Games?Now let me tell you something.

  Although the ancient Games were held in Olympia, Greece, through 776 BC to 393 AD, it took 1503 years for the Olympics to return.The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896.The man responsible for its rebirth was a Frenchman named Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who presented the idea in 1894.His original thought was to hold the first modern Games in 1900 in Paris, but delegates from 34 countries were so devoted to the idea of holding it in Athens that they made him give up his original thought and move the Games up to 1896 and have Athens serve as the first host.

18.When did the ancient Olympics stop?

A.776 BC.

B.393 AD.

C.After 1503.

19.Who first came up with the idea of the rebirth of the Olympics?

A.The Greeks.

B.A Frenchman.

C.The Olympic Committee.

20.Why did delegates from 34 countries insist on having Athens serve as the first host?

A.Because the Olympic Games were born in Greece.

B.Because Paris is farther to other countries than Athens.

C.Because the Olympic Games should return to its hometown.





W:I think it is going to rain.

M:Going to rain?The ground is already wet!

1.What does the man mean?

A.It won’t rain.

B.It is raining.

C.It’s going to rain.

W:What happens in the first part of the film?

M:To tell the truth, I don’t exactly remember because it almost put me to sleep.

2.What does the man think of the film?




M:I’d like to have this film developed.

W:Just write down your name and address here please.

M:Oh…, it’s for a friend.I don’t know his address.I guess I’ll have to make a phone call and come back later.

3.What will the man do when he comes back?

A.He will make a telephone call.

B.He will write down his friend’s address.

C.He will get his photos back.

M:Hi, Jane.Long time no see!

W:Hi, George.How are you doing?

M:Not so well.I’ve been working overtime a lot.Besides, I go to night classes, and I’m on my way to school now.

W:That’s terrible!Why don’t you take it easy for a while?

4.What does George need most of all?

A.Having a rest.

B.Going to school.

C.Keeping on working.

W:Tickets, please.

M:We want to catch the eighteen to London.

W:You’ve just missed it!

M:Goodness me!What should we do then?

W:You can come in the afternoon and catch the three sixteen.

5.Where does this dialogue take place?

A.At the cinema.

B.At the police station.

C.At the railway station.




M:I’d like to book a ticket to Los Angeles for next Monday.

W:Just a second.

M:I’ll need a ticket with an open return.

W:TWA has a flight leaving at 9:25.

M:I guess that’s OK.What time should I check in?

W:You have to be there half an hour before it leaves.

6.What does the man want to do?

A.Buy a ticket.

B.Book a ticket.

C.Book a room.

7.When will the man go to Los Angeles?

A.Next Monday.

B.This Monday.

C.Not settled.

8.When should the man check in?





W:Having visited so many different countries you must be able to speak several different languages.

M:I wish I could, but French and English are the only ones that I have ever learned to speak.

W:Have you ever tried Chinese?

M:Yes, but I gave up halfway.The Chinese characters are too difficult to practise.

W:How about Japanese?

M:I attended class for two or three months, but the more I learned, the more difficult the grammar became.

W:Do you like travelling?

M:No, I don’t, but I have to.I work in the sales department.

W:If only all the countries used the same language, then I would be able to work in different countries.

M:But to tell you the truth, I hope not.As a matter of fact, I am quite interested in language learning.

9.How many languages can the man speak?




10.What’s the man’s job?

A.A doctor.

B.A businessman.

C.A teacher.

11.What does the woman wish?

A.She wishes she could speak French.

B.She wishes she could speak Japanese.

C.She wishes there were just one language in the world.


W:Have you been chased by a dog?

M:No, I haven’t.But by a bull.


M:Yes, a couple of years ago.When I was walking in the country, the field was full of bulls.And I was wearing a bright red coat.They suddenly jumped up and down and started chasing me.

W:What happened then?

M:I just ran for the nearest fence and jumped over it.

W:You’re lucky.But I know a man who was bitten by a dog while he was jogging.

M:How did that happen?

W:He was running past a farm when a sheepdog started barking at him.He tried to kick it out of the way.But the dog jumped up and bit him in the leg.

12.When was the man chased by bulls?

A.A couple of years ago.

B.A couple of months ago.

C.A couple of weeks ago.

13.What was the man doing when he was chased by a dog?

A.He was walking.

B.He was working.

C.He was running.

14.Why did the bulls chase the man?

A.He was wearing a red coat.

B.He ran past a farm.

C.He walked in the country.


M:Have you ever eaten here before?

W:Only in the evenings.I didn’t know until now that they served breakfast too.

M:That’s what the Carolina Coffee Shop is famous for.People have been coming here for over 60 years for breakfast before going to the university football and basketball games.It’s a tradition.

W:Oh, what’s good here?

M:The best is their French toast.They take some pieces of French bread and dip them in eggs.Then they bake them.It’s delicious.

W:I think I’ll try it.

M:OK.Since this is your first visit to the Carolina Coffee Shop in the morning, I’ll buy you breakfast.


15.What time of day is the conversation taking place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

16.What does the man suggest the woman have?

A.French bread.

B.French toast.

C.French eggs.

17.Who will pay the breakfast?

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.It will be free.


“We are not training future poets.”said a school’s headmaster.“We just hope the class makes students more creative.”The class has 56 poem-loving students in it.They get half a day’s teaching every week from Zhu Tiewu, a poet from the Shanghai City Poets Group.Zhu has a three-term teaching plan for the class.He will ask them to study many poems in the first two terms.They will only get to write poems in the final term.Students will study both old and new poems.These will come from both China and foreign countries.But are students interested in poems today?Yes.According to a study of 90 students at the school, about half of them read poems and about a third want to be poets.They are learning about poems not because they want to be poets, but because poems teach them a lot about life.

18.What’s the purpose of teaching poems to students in this school?

A.To train them into future poets.

B.To make the class more lively.

C.To make the students more creative.

19.What’s Mr.Zhu’s three-term teaching plan for the class?

A.He will ask them to study poems in the first two terms and then get to write.

B.He will ask them to study Chinese poems for two terms and then to study foreign poems.

C.He will ask them to study poems in the first term and then write in the following terms.

20.How many students in this school want to be poets?

A.About 1/2.

B.About 1/3.

C.About 1/4.


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