
They often help _____ with their housework.

A. with each other
B. for each other
C. to each other
D. each other


They often help ___________with their housework.
[     ]
A. with each other  
B. for each other    
C. to each other    
D. each other

Mr. White lives in a village. He has a big farm and he is the richest there. He has pigs, chicks, cows and sheep .He works in the fields with some workers and his wife has to do all the housework at home. So she is very busy and often asks her husband to employ a girl to help her, but he doesn’t agree.

“There’re so many chicks, dear,” said the women one day,” I can’t look after them at all.” That’s easy,’ said Mr. White,”Mr. Black’s farm is nest to ours. We’d better make a few holes in the walls and our chicks will go to his farm though them and eat his vegetables.’’

“That’s a good idea!” The women said happily.

Soon Mr. Black found it. He told the Whites about it, they promised they would stop their chicks doing it, but they didn’t keep their promises at all. The man thought for a while and found a way. He put nearly twenty eggs near the holes one afternoon. And that evening when he was counting his chicks, he called out in his farm,”Oh, I’m lucky today! I have found twenty eggs in my farm.’’

Of course, the woman saw it herself, and the next morning Mr. Black found all the holes had been stopped up.

(  ) 31.Mr White’s farm and Mr. Black’s farm were_________.

     A. in different villages            B. in different towns 

C. far from each other            D. next to each other

(  ) 32.Mrs White is busy because___________.

     A. she has a few farms.          B. she has to do much housework.

     C. she has to help her husband.   D. she isn’t strong enough to do all.

(  ) 33. Mr. White doesn’t agree with his wife because_______.

A.  he has little money to emply a helper for his wife.

B.   he thinks his wife is very lazy.

C.  he tries his best to save money.

D.  He has enough time to help his wife.

(  ) 34. Mr. White made some holes in the walls to_________.

A.  let his chicks go to Mr. Black’s farm.

B.   let his chicks to lay some eggs in Mr. Black’s farm.

C.  make Mr. Black angry.

D.  Watch his chicks.

(  )35. The Whites thought_________,so they stopped up the holes in the walls.

A.Mr Black will kill their chicks  

B. their chicks laid the eggs outside

C. Mr. Black’s chicks would go to their farm 

 D. Mr. Black would tell the police about it
