
—Do you want to play ______ volleyball?
—Yes, I ______.

A. a; want
B. the; do
C. /; do








2.A.on Saturdays

B.on Sundays

C.on sunny days

3.A.bus station

B.subway station

C.train station

4.A.Kay wants to be a doctor.

B.Kay is ill.

C.Kay is a bad girl.

5.A.My friend and I are old.

B.My friend is younger than me.

C.My friend is older than me.


6.A.Three or four times a week.

B.This Sunday.

C.He wants to buy some fruit.

7.A.I am going on vacation.

B.To Tibet.

C.By bike.

8.A.For ten minutes.

B.By bike.

C.Ten minutes’ walk.

9.A.All right.Let’s go.

B.That’s all right.

C.How about you?

10.A.Sorry, I am late.

B.Yes, I’d love to.

C.I think I can’t.


11.What does Cindy have to do On Sunday afternoon?




12.How is John going to school today?




13.What does Lucy do on weekends?




14.What does the woman want the man to get her?

A.A stamp

B.A cup of coffee

C.A letter

15.When is the man leaving Pairs?

A.May 1st

B.May 3rd

C.May 4th

Ⅳ.听对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。 对话及问题读两遍。(共5小题,每题1分)


16.What sport does Michael like best?




17.How often does he play it?

A.Once a week

B.Twice a week

C.Every day


18.Why is David going to England?

A.To study

B.To travel

C.To visit friends

19.Where is David mainly(主要)staying in England?

A.In Liverpool

B.In London

C.In Manchester

20.How long is David staying in England?

A.2 weeks

B.4 weeks

C.6 weeks



1. A. Thank you. B. With pleasure. C. Very well.
2. A. I\'ll do that. B. Yes, please. C, The same to you.
3. A. Yes, you are right.    B. I\'m glad you like it. C. Never mind.
4. A. Sorry, I don\'t know. B. Certainly. Good idea. D. Sure.  No problem.
5. A. That\'s right. B. You are welcome. C. I\'m afraid I can\'t.
7. Who will receive the present?
A. Bob. B. Bob\'s father. C. Bob\'s mother.
8. Where does the conversation happen?
A. At a meeting.  B. At dinner. C. At a party.
9. How will they go home?
A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By car.
10. What does the woman want to know? She wants to know .
A. what the man usually does after work
B. what the man does with the most of his money
C. how much money the man makes
11. Where is the new sports centre?
A. Near Straight Road.
B. On Long Street.
C. Beside the station.
12. What sport can\'t people do now at the sports centre?
A. Table tennis. B. Volleyball. C. Swimming.
13. How much should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 16?
A. $,40. B. $ 50. C. $ 60.
14. Why will they go to the sports centre next Friday?
A. They won\'t have any classes.
B. They can play there longer.
C. The tickets will be cheaper.
15. What\'s the relationship(关系) between the two speakers?
A. Schoolmates. B. Workmates. C. Twins.
16. Who is speaking?
A. An answerphone.     B. A manager. C. A policeman.
17. What is the new phone number?
A. 8478966.     B. 8478698. C. 8478696.
18. What are the business hours of the Travel Office?
A. From 8:00 a. m.  to 5 : 00 p. m.
B. From 9:00 a. m.  to 5 :00 p. m.

C. From 9:00 a. m.   to 6:00 p. m.
19. What present can you get if your holiday costs £500?
A. A travel bag. B. A free ticket. C. A special price.
20. What do we know about the North Seas Travel Office?
A. It\'s a little difficult to find its new address.
B. It gives every traveler a present.
C. It has many holidays at special prices.



  “Next Thursday is going to be a holiday, ” says the teacher. “I want you to tell me what you are going to do, Jane. ”

  “I'm going to the cinema to see a film, ” say Jane. “It's an English film about the life of the workers in America. My classmates say it's a good film and it's interesting.”

  “Besides seeing the film, what are you going to do?”The teacher wants to know.

  “Of course I'm going to do my lessons. In the morning I'm going to study English and physics. ”

  “Do you like them?”the teacher asks.

  “They look easy, but they are not easy for me. I like them very much. I'm going to do my best to work hard at them. Then I'm going to have geography and other subjects. I thinks this term I can do better than last term. And I'm going to help some of my classmates. They need my help. ”

  “What are you going to in the afternoon?”asks the teacher.

  “After lunch, I'm going to play volleyball with some of my classmates. This September, we are going to have a match with Class Two. ”

  “Yes,”says the teacher. “I hear you are good at it. ”

1.Who asks Jane to tell him what she is going to do in the holiday?

[  ]

A.The mother.
B.The classmate.
C.The monitor.
D.The teacher.

2.What's the film about?

[  ]

A.It is about the life of the workers in America.

B.The Chinese film is about the life of the workers in America.

C.The English film is about the study of the workers in America.

D.The English film is about the life of the students in America.

3.In the morning, what's Jane is going to do?

[  ]

A.She is going to have P. E.

B.She is going to study physics and English.

C.She is going to have a match with Class One.

D.She is going to help his classmates.

4.What are they going to do in September?

[  ]

A.They're going to have a volleyball match with Class One.

B.They're going to have a football match with Class Two.

C.They're going to have an exam.

D.They're going to have a volleyball match with Class Two.

5.Jane isn't good at playing volleyball, is she?

[  ]

A.Yes, she is.
B.No, she isn't.
C.Yes, she isn't.
D.No, she is








1.What sport does Tom like best?





2.What is the matter with Henry?

A.He does not like playing basketball.

B.He has the flu and looks pale.

C.He has a pain in the hand.

D.He has a stomachache.

3.Why does Mary run every morning?

A.She loves sports.

B.She wants to get fatter.

C.She wants to keep fit.

D.She loves singing.

4.Who does the woman want to speak to?



C.Lihua's father.

D.Li Hua's mother.

5.What does the woman do?

A.She's a teacher.

B.She's a patient.

C.She's a doctor.

D.She's a student.


Kangkang:Look!There are some boys   1   football there.Do you like ball games?Michael:Yes, I like basketball and volleyball.Jordan is my   2   player.Which ball game do you like best?

Kngkang:I like football   3  .I like Ronaldo very much.

Michael:Is it   4   to play football?

Kangkang:Yes, it is.Do you want to go   5   us?



(  )1.Jack and Sally are good at English.

(  )2.Jack and Sally often fly the kites near the river.

(  )3.Their favorite games are the same.

(  )4.Sally likes high jump.

(  )5.Sally can sing very well, but Jack can't.


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