
On the Internet you can find _____ useful information.

A. much
B. many
C. a lot
D. lot of



The Internet is a big place.No one has enough time to find everything on the Internet.Yahoo gives us a lot of help.

Two Stanford University students, Jerry Yang and David Filo started it in 1994.They made a list of their favorite webpages.When their list got bigger, they make a database (数据库) to keep all the information.They let everyone use it for free.Soon, thousands of people were using it.

Then they made a new kind of software.It could store much information, so people can find information by using it.If you look for "animals", it will give you a list of webpages with the word.

Yahoo became a public company in 1996.As the company grew, Yang and Filo went on working hard.They put more uses in the software, such as shopping, free e-mails, etc.They started Yahoo in many different countries and in different languages.

Yahoo is famous on the Internet.More and more people like to use it to find information.

1.When Yang and Filo make a list of their favorite webpages, they                .

A.made people pay for using it                  B.were still university students

C.knew it wasn't useful                        D.were high school students

2.After the company became bigger, Yang and Filo               

A.became lazy                                           B.worked less

C.kept working hard                                   D.stopped working

3.Why people can find information by using the new kind of software?

4.Can people find Yahoo in many different countries and in different languages?

5.When did Yahoo become a public company?


Traveling can be a fun way to get life experiences, especially during Spring Break—a week long school holiday in the United States.

But what will you do if you're a student and don't have enough money for a trip? Don't worry. Here are some useful tips.

Save: This may be the most important to prepare for traveling. Cut expenses(费用) and save money so you'll have more choices about where to go and how to get there.

Plan ahead: Don't wait until the last minute to plan your trip. Tickets may cost more when bought in a hurry. Giving yourself several months to get ready can mean security(安全) and savings.

Plan sensibly(合理地) : Write down what you expect to spend on food and hotels. keep your plan or you may not have enough money to cover everything.

Travel in groups: Find someone who is interested in visiting the same places. By traveling with others you can share costs and experiences.

Work as you go: Need more money for your trip? Look for a job in the places you visit.

Choose places: Tourist cities may be expensive. You may want to rethink your trip and go to a less—known area. Smaller towns can have many interesting activities and sights.

Pack necessary things: The most important things to take are not always clothes. Remember to take medicine and some food with you because you may be sick or you cannot find a cheap restaurant.

Use the Internet or travel books: No matter where you go, study the places you will visit first. Decide what to see. The Net can help to save money. Some useful websites include www. travelocity.com, www.bargains-lowestfare.com and www.economy-travel.com. Travel books will give you the information on the cheapest hotels and restaurants.

By planning sensibly, even students can enjoy the travel. Your travel experiences will be remembered for a lifetime.

1. How many tips are mentions in the passage?

A. Seven             B. Eight                C. Eleven              D. Twelve

2. You may probably read the passage_________.

A. in a book about the Internet               B. in a newspaper for business

C. in a magazine for students                      D. in an ad for shopping

3. The writer advises(建议) you_________.

A. to share costs with any other people        B. not to go to well-known places

C. not to visit dangerous places              D. to buy anything you want to buy

4. To prepare for your trip, you_________.

A. need a lot of medicine and clothes          B. should look for work all the way

C. should make good use of the Internet and travel books

D. can't tell your friends about your trip

5. Which of the following can be used as the title of this passage?

A. Planning your trip cleverly!                  B. Traveling without much money!

C. Information decides all                     D. Security is above all while traveling!


根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(Choose the best answers according to the passage.)

  The Internet is a big place and has lots of different kinds of information.Nobody has enough time to find something on the Internet.Yahoo gives us a lot of help.Two Stanford University students Jerry Yang and David Filo started it in 1994.They made a list of their favorite web pages.When their list got bigger, they made a database(数据库)to keep a lot of information.They let everyone use it for free.Soon, thousands of people were using it.

  Then they made a new kind of software.It could store much more information, and people can find information by using it.If you type in“animals”, it will give you a list of web pages with the word“animals”.

  Yahoo became a public company in 1996.As the company grew, Yang and Filo went on working hard.They put more uses in the software, such as shopping and free e-mails.They started Yahoo in many different countries and in different languages.

  Yahoo is famous on the Internet.It really makes money unlike most other web companies.


When Yang and Filo made the first Yahoo software, they ________.

[  ]


made people pay for using it


were still university students


knew it wasn't useful


were high school students


After the company became bigger, Yang and Filo ________.

[  ]


became lazy


worked less


kept on working hard


stopped working


The passage doesn't tell us we can ________ by using the Yahoo software.

[  ]


go shopping


look for information


send and receive e-mails


book tickets


Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


Yahoo is another name of the Internet.


Yahoo is a public company.


Yahoo doesn't offer free-mails.


Yahoo is losing money.


What does the author think of most web companies?

[  ]


They don't earn much money.


They are all famous.


They are just like Yahoo.


They are better than Yahoo.


NBA star Yao Ming has a restaurant in the USA. The restaurant sells many famous dishes. But one dish could never be made there---shark fin soup(鱼翅汤). Yao has given up shark fin soup since he joined a program for saving endangered animals in 2006. “Animals are our friends,” he said.:How much do you know about these endangered animals?

Sharks, the king of the ocean, are in danger. Each year about 75 million sharks are killed for their fins, 8 kinds of shark have died out.

In some Asian countries, people get bile(胆汁) from Asian black bears’ stomachs and use it as traditional Chinese medicine. The animal’s population has decreased(下降) by 30% to 49% during the past 30 years.

The shahtoosh shawl(沙图什披肩) is thought to be the softest and most beautiful in the world. It is popular in Europe and the US. However, one has to kill three to five Tibetan antelopes(藏羚羊) to make just one shahtoosh. About 20,000 antelopes were killed every year during the 1980s.

One day, if animals all disappeared, the world we live in would come to an end. Saving them now means saving ourselves. Maybe you think that only scientists or famous people can save animals. In fact, everyone can do something. Here are some useful tips for students.

Don’t eat foods that are made of endangered animals, such as shark fin soup. Ask your parents and friends to do so, too.

Don’t buy or use something that is made out of endangered animals, like clothes with antelope fur or necklaces made of ivory(象牙). You should also tell your parents not to buy these things, either.

You can become a volunteer to help build the habitats(栖息地) of endangered animals. There is a lot of information on the Internet about these volunteer jobs.

You can hold a photo show at your school to tell people the situation of endangered animals and what people can do to help save them.

52. In Yao Ming’s restaurant, shark fin soup couldn’t be made because_________________.

  A. many sharks died, and that makes it difficult to find shark fins

  B. he wants to save endangered animals

  C. shark fin soup is not popular now    

D. shark fin soup is not a traditional Chinese food

53. The underlined word “endangered” means _________________in Chinese.

A. 危险的   B. 濒临灭绝的    C. 有害的   D. 凶猛的

54. Students can help save the endangered animals in many ways EXCEPT________________.

  A. asking their parents and friends not to eat foods made of endangered animals

  B. becoming a volunteer to help build the habitats

C. holding a photo show at school to tell people what they can do

D. using something that is made out of endangered animals

55. The best title of this article may be_______________.

  A. Help Save Endangered Animals      B. What Can Students Do

  C. Yao Ming’s Restaurant D. Animals Are Our Friends


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