
That happened _______ a Monday morning.

A. in
B. at
C. on
D. of


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
        It was Monday morning. Cathy left home early that day because she was going to     1     a new job in
Manhattan. She was only 18 and this was her first     2      . When she got to the bus stop, she saw so many
people waiting there that she almost     3     a passing taxi. Later she was     4     that she had waited for the bus
because the traffic was so heavy that even a taxi would not have      5     much earlier. As it was, she was only
few minutes late!
         She took the elevator (电梯) to the eighth     6     and went to the office where she had been interview (会见) by Mr Samson two weeks     7     . This was the man she was going to work for. She knocked on the door
lightly and waited, but there was no     8      ! Just then she heard the sound of a     9     voice coming from the
next office. She opened the door and looked   10     . There was Mr Samson, speaking    11      to all the other
people in the office. He suddenly     12      around and left the room.
         Later in the day, Cathy found out    13      had happened. Because Mr Samson lived forty miles away in
Westchester, he had to take the train to work and would usually arrive at the office     14      nine thirty. This
morning, however, he happened to catch an earlier train, and when he arrived at     15     , not a single person
was working
(     )1. A. hunt       
(     )2. A. job       
(     )3. A. asked     
(     )4. A. glad       
(     )5. A. returned   
(     )6. A. ground     
(     )7. A. ago       
(     )8. A. sound     
(     )9. A. boy's     
(     )10. A. in       
(     )11. A. warmly   
(     )12. A. got       
(     )13. A. what     
(     )14. A. in       
(     )15. A. the station
B. start    
B. chance    
B. missed  
B. sorry      
B. left    
B. storey  
B. before  
B. help    
B. girl's  
B. out      
B. excitedly 
B. looked  
B. that    
B. around  
B. the office
C. finish     
C. try       
C. got     
C. surprised 
C. stopped   
C. floor     
C. later   
C. answer   
C. woman's   
C. back       
C. angrily   
C. turned     
C. which     
C. until   
C. Westchester
D. find        
D. victory     
D. called      
D. disappointed
D. arrived     
D. office      
D. earlier     
D. noise         
D. man's    
D. up          
D. sadly       
D. walked      
D. it            
D. for          
D. Manhattan  


  Mike was in trouble these days.He drove a car for Mr Black, a rich businessman.But Mike often drank too much and once he almost fell into the river when he drove along the bridge.Mr Black became angry and was going to fire(解雇)him.Mike had a big family so he was afraid of losing his job.He said he would stop drinking at once.But things were not like what Mr Black looked forward to.

  On a Monday morning, Mike came into the office, with two badly burned ears.“ What happened to your ears? ” asked Mr Black.

  “Well, ” said Mike.“last night while I was watching a football match on TV in the bedroom, I was drinking because I was free on Sunday.At that time, my wife was ironing(熨烫)clothes.She had put the iron(熨斗)near the telephone before she went to cook supper.My favourite team lost the game and I felt sorry for it.As soon as I went into the sitting room, the phone rang and I answered it, but I picked up the iron.”

  “Terrible! But what happened to your left ear?’

  “When I put the iron down on the table, the telephone rang again.”


From the passage, we know that Mike works as a ________.

[  ]


a car seller


a businessman


a car driver


a cook


Mike once almost fell into the river because ________.

[  ]


his eyesight was bad


the bridge was not wide


he hated working for Mr Black


he drank too much


Mike was ________ while his wife was ironing clothes.

[  ]


answering the telephone


cleaning the bedroom


watching TV


cooking supper


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Mr Black was angry about Mike's bad drinking habit.


Mike answered the telephone in the bedroom.


Mike didn't drink any longer after the car accident.


Mike's left ear was burnt by the iron first.


After hearing what Mike said, Mr Black might ________.

[  ]


take Mike to hospital


give Mike a pay rise


fire Mike at once


be proud of Mike


  One Thursday evening Mr Smith left his car in front of his house as usual, but when he came down the next morning to go to his office, he found that his car was missing. He called the police and told them what had happened, and they said they would try to find the car for him.

  When Mr Smith came back from his office that evening, the car was ill the usual place outside the home. He examined it carefully to see whether it was broken and found two tickets on one of the seats, and a letter which said, We are sorry we took your car because of something important.

  Mr and Mrs Smith went to the theatre with the two tickets the next evening and they had a good time.

  When they got home, they found that thieves had taken almost everything they had in their home.

(1) Mr Smith usually _______ .

[  ]

Awent away from his car on Thursday night

Bstayed in his car until it was night

Cwent to and came back from work in his car

Ddidn't get out of his car until the next morning

(2) Mr Smith called the police ________ .

[  ]

Ato tell them who had stolen his car

Bto ask them what had happened

Cto ask them for the car

Dto ask them to help find the car

(3) When was the car stolen?

[  ]

AAt night

BIn the morning

CIn the afternoon

DWhen Mr Smith was not at home

(4) Who sent back the car?

[  ]

AThe police

BThe thieves

CSmith's friends

DMrs Smith

(5) On _______ Mr and Mrs Smith went to the theatre with the two tickets.

[  ]

ASaturday night

BSunday night

CWednesday night

DMonday night



  On Monday morning at eleven o'clock, Tom was walking down the Main Street.Suddenly he heard shots fired(枪声).He thought they were from bank.He ran to the bank and saw a man running out.The man was short and fat with red hair.More important(更重要的),he had a bag of money and a gun in his hands.Before he could do anything, the man ran down the street and disappeared(消失)behind a bus.

  That afternoon Tom went to a movie.He saw the thief again in the hall.He called the police.The police arrived five minutes later.They arrested(逮捕)the thief just as he was leaving the cinema.What a happy day for Tom!


What happened(发生)on Monday morning?

[  ]


Tom was walking along the street.


Tom was busy.


Someone took the money away from a bank.


Someone saw Tom walking in the street.


When did Tom see the man running out of the bank?

[  ]


Before the gun shots.


Before eleven o'clock.


When the man ran out.


Five minutes later.


How did Tom know the man?

[  ]


He was running very fast.


He was short and fat with red hair.


He had a bag of money in his hands.


He was his neighbor.


Where was the thief arrested?

[  ]


Near the bank.


In the Main Street.


Out of the cinema.


In the cinema.


From the story we know the police arrived ________.

[  ]


as soon as Tom called them


soon after money was stolen(被偷)


before the thief had dinner


when the thief was walking in Main Street

    It was Monday morning. Cathy left home early that day because she was going to    1   a new job in
Manhattan. She was only 18 and this was her first   2  . When she got to the bus stop, she saw so many
people waiting there that she almost   3   a passing taxi. Later she was   4   that she had waited for the
bus because the traffic was so heavy that even a taxi would not have   5   much earlier. As it was, she
was only few minutes late!
    She took the elevator to the eighth   6   and went to the office where she had been interviewed (面试)
by Mr. Samson two weeks   7  . This was the man she was going to work for. She knocked on the
door lightly and waited, but there was no   8  ! Just then she heard the sound of a   9   voice coming from
the next office. She opened the door and looked   10 . There was Mr. Samson, speaking  11  to all the
other people in the office. He suddenly  12  around and left the room.
    Later in the day, Cathy found out   13  had happened. Because Mr Samson lived forty miles away in
Westchester, he had to take the train to work and would usually arrive at the office  14  nine thirty. This
morning, however, he happened to catch an earlier train, and when he arrived at  15 , not a single person
was working.
(     )1. A. hunt        
(     )2. A. job         
(     )3. A. asked       
(     )4. A. glad        
(     )5. A. returned    
(     )6. A. ground      
(     )7. A. ago         
(     )8. A. sound       
(     )9. A. boy's      
(     )10. A. in         
(     )11. A. warmly     
(     )12. A. got        
(     )13. A. what       
(     )14. A. in         
(     )15. A. the station  
B. start      
B. chance     
B. missed     
B. sorry      
B. left       
B. room       
B. before     
B. help         
B. girl's   
B. out        
B. excitedly       
B. looked     
B. that       
B. about      
B. the office 
C. finish    
C. try        
C. got          
C. surprised   
C. stopped   
C. floor      
C. later      
C. answer        
C. woman's  
C. back        
C. angrily    
C. turned      
C. which       
C. until       
C. Westchester   
D. find        
D. victory       
D. called          
D. disappointed              
D. arrived       
D. office         
D. earlier       
D. noise            
D. man's     
D. up              
D. sadly       
D. walked        
D. it             
D. for            
D. Manhattan  

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