1. 我忘记把书包放在哪了,妈妈告诉我:“在卧室里。”可以说:
A. It's in the bedroom.
B. It's below the bed.
2. 想知道爸爸把礼物藏在哪里了, 可以问:
A. How many?
B. Where is it?
3. 出租车司机告诉你:“花了30 元。”可以说:
A. Thirty yuan.
B. Twenty yuan.
4. 妈妈告诉我:“书在电话旁边。”可以说:
A. The book is beside the telephone.
B. The computer is beside the radio.
5. 壁橱在床的对面,可以说:
A. The closet is across from the bed.
B. The dresser is across from the lamp.