

Sally:  Excuse me, where is Judy? I haven’t seen her for a long time

Beth:  1 __________________________________ She wants to visit the Great Wall

Sally:  Really? 2 ________________________________?

Beth:  She went there last Monday

Sally:  3 _______________________________________?

Beth:  No, she’s never been there before

Sally:  4 _______________________________________? Her friends?

Beth:  No, she went there with her parents

Sally:  When will she be back?

Beth:  She’ll be back at the end of this month

Sally:  Thank you

Beth:  5 ________________________


1、1She has gone to Beijing / China / the Great Wall / Beijing, China

2When did she go there?

3Has she ever been there before?

4Who / Whom did she go there with?

5You’re welcome / That’s OK / That’s all right / Not at all / It’s a pleasure / My pleasure


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