
Complete the following dialogue with proper sentences in the box(选出适当的句子完成下列对话)

AHow many times?

BOK, I’ll take your advice

CI’ve only had a cup of tea

DHow are you feeling now?

ENo, but I have a terrible stomachache

FHow much cake, and how many Cokes?

GAren’t you going to give me any medicine?

Dr. LeeSo you’ve been sickDavid   1  

DavidTwiceOnce before breakfast, and once five minutes ago

DrLeeDo you have a headache?

David 2  

DrLeeYou don’t have a temperature right? And how much food have you had today?

DavidFood! You must be joking!  3   That’s all

DrLeeAnd last night? What did you have then?

DavidI had a pizzathree hamburgerstwo hot—dogslots of French flies and two cheese sandwichesAnd then I had some cake and lots of Cokes


DavidA big piece of chocolate cake and five Cakes

DrLeeDavidI don’t think you’re really illYou’ve had too much to eatthat’s all

David  5  

DrLeeNoYou should stay in belt todayand have a good rest

David 6  




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