
American kids count money

They made from a lemonades sell

We see motley almost every day Parents give us pocket moneyWe pay for our favorite CDs with moneyWe can hardly imagine a world without money

Money helps people trade(交易).If you want a kilo of chicken you don’t have to give the seller a box of applesYou can use moneyTraders can give each other change to make the trade fair because of money

With money the world becomes a big moving systemPeople work to get moneyThen they use their money to buy things they wantMoney travels from person to person and from place to place

Money is usually coins and banknotesEach country has its own currency(货币).Some have their leaders’ faces on the coins and banknotesothers have plants or animalsStill others have beautiful or historical places on the fronts or backs of currencySo you see, money also says something about the culture of a country

1Who usually give you pocket money?

2Why can traders make the trade fair?

3Why do people work according to the passage?



2Because they have money

3To get money


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