摘要: A.When B.What C.Why D.Where七.用所给词的正确形式填空.many too holiday world fish sad see carry also answer glad interested


George and Betty didn’t have much money, but they wanted to buy a car. Betty didn’t have a  36  , so she was always finding ways to save money.
She  37   vegetables in her garden so that she wouldn’t have to buy any. She made sandwiches for George to  38   to work so that he wouldn’t have to buy his lunch.
Every day George took the bus to go to work and go home. It was not a long trip 39   the bus was slow because of the traffic.
One day, the traffic was even  40  than usual.
“I could run faster than this bus!” thought George.
The next day   41  work he decided to have a try. He went to the bus stop but didn’t take the bus. He ran along beside it on the sidewalk. He had to run quite fast to 42  the bus.
He arrived home. Betty was  43  to see him panting (喘气). She was worried. “What’s the matter?” she asked.
“I ran along beside the bus,” said George. “I saved two dollars and fifty cents without paying the fare.” He thought it would make Betty   44 , but it didn’t.
45   didn’t you run beside a taxi?” she said. “You would have saved six dollars!”

A.work B.job C.child D.house
A.grew B.gave C.bought D.knew
A.make B.carry C.bring D.take
A.or B.and C.but D.so
A.larger B.biggerC.worse D.better
A.after B.beforeC.finished D.began
A.get out ofB.get along with
C.come up withD.catch up with
A.excited B.surprised C.interestedD.bored
A.tired B.sad C.clean D.happy
A.When B.What C.Why D.Where


Charlie is twenty-three now. He1a university(大学) and found work in a factory last year. It’s2and there are no more than fifty workers in it. And only he3in a university. So he looks down upon his 4 . He always thinks he’s right and never agrees with5. He likes to say, “I’ve never made a mistake!”

But once the young man couldn’t6 a foreign instructions (说明书). An old worker studied it for two days and7Mr. White, the boss of the factory,8it meant. The boss asked Charlie why. He made a few excuses to say for9. And he didn’t agree with the old man. The boss became angry and asked, “ Is it10 that you’ve never made a mistake?”

The young man wouldn’t make Mr. White11 and had to say, “No, it isn’t, sir.”

Having12 this, the workers were happy. One of them asked, “ It means that you also make some mistakes!”

Charlie13 his mind at once and said, “ I made only one mistake in my14 !”

“When?” the boss asked in surprise.

“ Just now, sir.” Answered the young man. “When Mr. White15 me acknowledge (承认)I was wrong!”

1.                A.visited          B.left            C.built D.reached


2.                A.small           B.big            C.new D.old


3.                A.lived           B.traveled        C.arrived   D.studied


4.                A.parents         B.teacher         C.workmates    D.classmates


5.                A.another        B.other           C.the other D.others


6.                A.see            B.write           C.understand    D.read


7.                A.told            B.asked          C.teached D.laughed at


8.                A.when          B.what           C.how D.where


9.                A.him            B.himself         C.them D.themselves


10.               A.clever          B.sure           C.true  D.able


11.               A.sad            B.sadder         C.angry D.angrier


12.               A.heard          B.listened        C.guessed   D.reported


13.               A.lost            B.hated          C.changed   D.thought


14.               A.life            B.office          C.family D.bedroom


15.               A.helped         B.made          C.watched   D.asked




One day, a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how to manage time. He gave such an interesting example that his students would never   1  .

He put a wide-mouth jar (罐子) on the table. Then he    2  some rocks and carefully placed them into the jar, one at a time. When  3  rocks would fit inside, he   4  , “Is this jar full?”

Everyone in class shouted, “Yes.” “Really?” The teacher pulled out a bag of small stones. He put   5  small stones in and shook the jar. The small stones went   6  into the spaces between the big rocks. He then asked the group   7  , “Is this jar full?”

“Probably not,” one of them answered. “Good!” the teacher replied. He brought out a box of sand and   8  some sand into the jar and it went between the rocks and small stones. Again he asked the   9  question, “Is this jar full?

“No,” the class shouted. Once more the teacher said, “Good.” He poured a cup of water into the jar   10  it was full. The he asked, “What is the point here?” One student   11  his hand and said, “The point is that if you try really hard, you can   12  put more things in.”

“No,” the teacher replied, “that’s not the  13  . What I want to tell you is that if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you will never get others in at all.   14  are the ‘big rocks’ in your life? Time with your friends, your education or your dreams? Remember to put the  15  in first, or you’ll never get others in at all.?”

1.                A.remember      B.like            C.forget    D.think


2.                A.handed in       B.took out        C.gave away D.put away


3.                A.no more        B.not more        C.no many  D.not many


4.                A.answered       B.read           C.asked    D.said


5.                A.no            B.few            C.any  D.some


6.                A.up            B.out            C.down D.away


7.                A.no more        B.again           C.a third time    D.a fourth time


8.                A.sent           B.put            C.bought   D.collected


9.                A.same          B.different        C.difficult   D.common


10.               A.since          B.till             C.while D.because


11.               A.offered        B.placed         C.raised D.shook


12.               A.always         B.already         C.never D.hardly


13.               A.point          B.example        C.promise   D.story


14.               A.When          B.What          C.Who  D.Why


15.               A.sand           B.small stones     C.big rocks  D.water




Mr Klip is a millionaire(百万富翁). He __1___ delicious food. He had a good ___2__, Mr Black. The man could cook all kinds of food.  Mrs Klip asked him __3____ her last month. She learned a lot ___4____ him. Then she thought she was good at __5____ and didn’t want Mr Black to work for them___6____ .

Now Mrs Klip begins to cook for her ___7_____ . But Mr Klip doesn’t like the food at all. He says he won’t___8___ any food at home ___9____  she doesn’t stop cooking. Mrs Klip___10____ she will find another cook for her husband.

This morning Mr Klip had nothing to do, ___11____ he went shopping. Suddenly he broke a window of the shop . The shop assistant ___12____ the policeman and the policeman took him to the ___13____. The policeman said, “ I’m sorry to tell you, Mr Klip , I will fine (罚款) you ten dollars ,or you’ll stay in prison (监狱). ____14____ do you want ?”

“I’ll stay in prison”, said the millionaire.

“Why ?”

“Because my wife will find a new cook __15_____ ten days .

1.                A.knows          B.likes           C.cooks    D.sees


2.                A.wife           B.friend          C.teacher   D.cook


3.                A.teach          B.to teach        C.teaching  D.taught


4.                A.for            B.from           C.with D.about


5.                A.cooking        B.singing         C.doing D.eating


6.                A.yet            B.too            C.any longer D.either


7.                A.boy            B.husband        C.daughter  D.son


8.                A.eat            B.buy            C.sell  D.make


9.                A.when          B.if              C.until D.and


10.               A.tells           B.speaks         C.talks  D.says


11.               A.and           B.so             C.because   D.but


12.               A.named         B.called          C.said  D.cried


13.               A.bus station      B.hospital        C.post office D.police station


14.               A.Which         B.What          C.Why  D.When


15.               A.for            B.in             C.at    D.with




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