摘要:8.They have never visited his home.They have never visited his home. ?


Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you “what is the most important in your life?” maybe you will say “Computers and the Internet.”

  The first computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked slowly. Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster, What can computers do? A writer has said, “People can’t live without computers today.”

  The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, write letters, do shopping, play games or make friends.

  Many students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don’t know their real names, ages, and even sex(性别). They are so interested in making the “unreal friends “that they can’t put their hearts into study. Many of them can’t catch up with others in many subjects because of that.

  We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.

1.The Internet can not be used for______.

A.  studying

B.  shopping

C.  thinking

D.  playing

2.When the computer was invented, it was______.

A.  large and worked quickly

B.  small and worked slowly

C.  large but worked slowly

D.  small but worked quickly

3.The Internet was born in about______.

A.1960    B. 1970     C. 1980     D.1985

4.Which of the following is true ?

A.  Few students like going into the Internet.

B.  Students use the Internet to make “unreal friends.”

C.  These “unreal friends” often meet each other.

D.  Students know the friends on the Internet very well.

5.What does the writer think of the Internet?

A.  It is wonderful.

B.  It can make students study harder.

C.  It is not good for students.

D.  It is helpful, but we can’t do everything on it.



Imagine you are an astronaut, you find a new planet that looks like the earth, and when you want to put the flag on it, you find out that this planet has already got population. What would you do?
The US astronaut, Charles “Chuck” Backer, in the new cartoon film Planet 51 just comes across this thing.
Planet 51 is a place where there is no human being. So Chuck arrives in the planet and wants to name it “the US”. But he suddenly finds himself surrounded by lots of little green aliens.
These aliens live in fear that they may be invaded by strange being. They have never seen an alien until Chuck arrives. They think it is terrible and they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck. They send him to the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum. Chuck is very scared and tries to escape. The only thing he can do is to make his spaceship work and fly back to the earth. Luckily, he makes friends with a young alien named Lem. Then the adventure begins.
Planet 51 is a science fiction movie. It tells us that whether we are on the earth or in another society with aliens, we should accept the things that are different in our lives and experience them actively. In this way, we can grow up and understand ourselves better by changing.
The film is very funny and full of happiness. Will Chuck return home? If you want to know, see it!
【小题1】根据The US astronaut, Charles “Chuck” Backer, in the new cartoon film Planet 51 just comes across this thing.描述,可知选A。
【小题2】根据They have never seen an alien until Chuck arrives. They think it is terrible (可怕的)and they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck.可知选B。
【小题3】根据they get ready to defend themselves or attack Chuck.可知是保护自己的意思,故选C。
【小题4】根据The only thing he can do is to make his spaceship work and fly back to the earth.描述,可知选B。
【小题5】根据It tells us that whether we are on the earth or in another society with aliens, we should accept the things that are different in our lives and experience them actively. In this way, we can grow up and understand ourselves better by changing.描述,可知选B。
【小题6】Charles “Chuck” Backer is a ___________.
A. US astronaut     B. green alien          C. US scientist
【小题7】When the green aliens see Charles “Chuck” Backer, they feel ___________。
A. excited          B. scared               C. sad
【小题8】What does the word “defend” mean in this passage?
A. 侵略             B. 隐藏             C.保护
【小题9】How can Chuck get out of the bad situation?
A. He must make friends with aliens there.
B. He must make the spaceship work and return to the earth.
C. He must destroy the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum.
【小题10】 What can we learn from the movie?
A. We shouldn’t explore or invade other planets.
B. We should learn to accept new things in order to improve ourselves.
C. We should experience more on the earth in order to be an astronaut.


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