摘要:2.Where do some elephants come from?


Reading comprehension(阅读理解)

  The circus comes to town every spring. The men put up a tent in a field. Then all the people come to see the circus.

  On Saturday there was a big crowd at the circus. All the children were there with their parents. The big tent was in the middle of the field. Around the big tent there were many little tents. They were in different colors. There were places to play games. There were places to see wild animals. There were places to buy candy.

  “I want to see the animals,” Bill said to his mother. “I want some candy,” his sister Sally said.

  Then they went into the big tent. There were seats all around it. In the middle of the tent was a big circle.

  The circus started with a parade(游行). The music was very loud. First the elephants came in. Then there were lions and tigers in cages. There were a lot of clowns(小丑). They made the people laugh. And there were acrobats(杂技). They did tricks on wires at the top of the tent. They swung high over the heads of the people. They jumped from swing to swing.

  Then a big cage was brought into the middle of the circle. There were lions and tigers in the cage. They looked very wild. A man went into the cage with them. He was alone with the lions and tigers. He had only a chair and a whip. But he made the animals do tricks. He made them sit on chairs. Bill was very excited. He jumped up and down. All the people cheered.


1.How often does the circus come to town?

________ ________ ________.

2.What do the people do when the circus comes?

They all ________ ________ ________ ________.

3.How do people like the circus?

They ________ ________ ________ ________.

4.What can people do at the circus? Name at least two things.

________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

5.Where does the circus give performances?

The circus gives performances in ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

6.What animals can be seen during the performance?

________, ________ ________ ________.




1.Which sign are they talking about?

2.Where is the man's father?

3.What's the man's suggestion?

4.What did Mum buy yesterday?

5.How often does the woman go swimming



C.Every day.

6.What's Jane's father doing?

A.Repairing his car

B.Driving his car

C.Making his car clean

7.What kind of animals does Lisa like best?




8.What do we learn from the conversation?

A.There're many rainy days in May in the world

B.They're ready to go to the man's hometown

C.The weather is nice, but it is very cold

9.What is Mary going to do after supper?

A.She is going to give a talk on environment

B.She is going to give a talk for her walk

C.She is going to get ready for her talk

10.Where can the woman be?

A.In the doctor's office

B.In the bookstore

C.In the market




11.What does the man want to do?

A.He wants to step on the grass.

B.He wants to pick some flowers

C.He will stop the girl from picking the flowers.

12.What does the sign say?

A.Keep off the grass.

B.Please don't pick the flowers.

C.No parking on this street.


13.What is the machine used for?

A.Cutting apples

B.Holding food

C.Cutting vegetables.

14.Where was it made?

A.In Shanghai

B.In Japan

C.In Canada

15.How long has the woman had the machine?

A.For 2 weeks

B.For 2 days

C.For 20 days


16.What did the Frenchman come to England to do?

A.To visit his friend.

B.To study English.

C.To read books.

17.Where did the Frenchman live in England?

A.Near a bird cage.

B.In a language school.

C.In an old lady's home.

18.What did the Frenchman often do in the morning?

A.He sat in the garden.

B.He saw the bird.

C.He did some reading.

19.Where was the bird cage often hung in the morning?

A.On the tree in the garden.

B.On the window upstairs.

C.Either on the tree in the garden or on the window upstairs.

20.What happened to the old lady one morning?

A.She dropped her cage.

B.She fell off the window.

C.Her bird flew away.


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