摘要: How was the man's weekend? A. Funny. B. Boring. C. Busy.


      A man went to a fast-food restaurant to buy his lunch.
     "Hi,"a waiter said. "May I help you?"
     "I'd like a hamburger, large chips and a Coke,"the man said.
     "Is that for here or to go?"the waiter asked.
     "To go," the man said.
     The waiter put the man's lunch in a bag. The man took out his money and paid for his lunch.
     "Thank you," the waiter said. "Have a mce day. "
      The man took the bag and walked to a park.  He sat down and opened the bag.  He was surprised.
There was no hamburger or chips; there was only money in the bag-two thousand
dollars!  Where was the man's lunch?  Why was the money in the bag?
      The manager of the fast-food restaurant needed to go to the bank. He put two thousand
dollars in an envelope, He put it in a bag and put the bag down. The waiter gave the manager's
bag to the man by mistake. So the manager had a hamburger, chips and a coke, and the man had
two thousand dollars !
1. The man went to a restaurant to______.              
A. buy his lunch        
B. have a rest          
C. sell drinks        
D. cook food
2. The man wanted to have his lunch______.             
A. in a hotel          
B. in a shop            
C. in a restaurant      
D. in a park
3. When the man opened the bag, he found______in it.
A. food    
B. drink   
C. money   
D. nothing
4. How much money was there in the man's bag?
A. $ 100.    
B. $ 200.    
C. $ 100.    
D. $ 2,000.
5. ______ couldn't find his money.
A. The man    
B. The manager    
C. The waiter   
D. Nobody

When I was young,my father told me that little acts of kindness may give one great happiness. Since then I have always tried to help people in   1  .
One hot summer afternoon, I was  2  down the highway to New York when another car suddenly   3  into my lane(车道). My car was in the far right lane,so it ran onto the roadside. As a(n)   4   driver,I moved my car quickly and skillfully back onto the highway without causing any accident.
I was   5  with that driver,but I thought that he just did not pay attention to(注意) the lane change, and he  6  did not do that on purpose(故意).The car ran away  7  after cutting me off. Very soon it disappeared from sight. After a while,I came around a curve(弯道) and found the  8 car. The driver was walking along the roadside. He was an elderly man and looked  9  . As there was no telephone nearby and the nearest services were twenty miles away, I decided to    10   and see what the problem was.
The man’s car had a flat tire(瘪胎). Although he had another tire,he had nothing to work with. I decided to  11  him. I changed the tire for him and allowed him to sit in my air-conditioned car while I did it. Fifteen minutes later,I 12  the work. I was hot and tired,but I really felt  13  after an act of kindness to the man who had earlier  14  my car run off the road.
You can really enjoy great  15 from kindness acts, so always lend your hands to others in trouble.

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