摘要:6.When did Zhou Hongtao leave college?


     It was Sunday and the weather was fine, so Mrs. Black said, "Let's go for a picnic (野餐) . " "Oh, yes!" said Mary
and John, her two children. Mr. Black said, "Yes, let's go to the woods (小树林) and have our picnic there. " "Good.
Help me to get the things ready. " "All right, said the children. John brought the basket for the food and the bottles
for the water. Mary brought a blanket (毯子), while Mother made the sandwiches, and Father put water and oil into
the car.   Soon everything was ready and they left the house. When they got there,   Mary put the blanket on the
ground. John took the food out of the car, Father made a fire and Mother made tea. "Isn't it beautiful here?" said
Mother. "It's very quiet and green." John had a kite and soon he was running with it. "Be careful!" shouted Mother,
but it was too late. John fell(摔倒) over basket of food, and everything fell out. "Look!" cried Mary.  "There are ants
(蚂蚁) in the food. Yes, there were. " There were hundreds of them. The blanket was on an ants' nest.  (蚂蚁窝)
1. How many people were there in the story  
A. 3      
B.  4      
C.  5      
D.  6
2. When did the Blacks go for a picnic?
A. Last Sunday
B. On Monday
C. On Tuesday  
D. On Wednesday
3. What did they prepare (准备) for the picnic?
A. basket, water, oil, sandwiches and bottles  
B. bottle, basket, oil, and blanket
C. basket, water, oil, blanket and sandwiches  
D. sandwiches, blanket, water and basket
4. Who made a fire?  
A. Father  
B. Mother  
C. John    
D. Mary
5. Did they have a good picnic?  
A. Yes, they did  
B. Yes, they do    
C. No, they don't
D. No, they didn't  

完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请将答案填入相应的表格内。
Monday morning is an important time at our school. All of the students go to the playground. We listen to music, and we __1____ the national flag(国旗) go up. Usually, one student gives a talk on Monday mornings. One Monday last year, a boy gave the talk. He was __2____ and excited! When I saw him, I wanted to have a try, too. Can I really do it ?
Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher __3____ me, "I know you want to have a try. Next Monday, you can give the talk. Go and write something down. __4____  for it, I'm sure you'll do well."
"Thank you ," I answered, It was such a great __5____ for me ! When I got home, I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I asked my parents __6____. I wanted to make my teacher happy.
Monday morning came. I began to feel __7____. When did I last give a talk to __8___  many people ? Never! This was my first time. Could I really __9____ it. Maybe I couldn't finish the talk. When I got to school, we all went out to playground. I __10____ in front of everyone. I opened my mouth, but I couldn't say anything.
"Take it easy," I said to _11____  . " Don't be nervous. You can do it."
Just then, I looked down at everyone. I saw about 1,000 eyes. They were all looking at me ! I couldn't __12____  stand up. I looked at their eyes more carefully. Their eyes were saying , "You can do it! Don't be afraid, just talk !" I __13____  a deep breath(深呼吸). Then I began to talk. It wasn't hard. It was easy.
I don't know __14____  I finished my talk. But I did it. I felt so good that day. I showed myself __15____  everyone what I can do.

A.watch B.see C.notice D.look at
A.surprising B.happy C.amazed D.careful
A.told to B.asked for C.said to D.showed to
A.Look out B.Come on C.Take care D.Get ready
A.chance(机会) B.news C.time D.message
A.to listen to B.to hear C.to know D.to answer
A.excited B.happy C.nervous D.surprised
A.after B.but C.before D.so
A.do B.speak C.talk D.take
A.sat B.stood C.lay D.slept
A.me B.my class C.myself D.my parents
A.be able to B.badly C.ever D.even
A.took B.held C.put D.left
A.whenB.how C.why D.whether
A.so B.but C.to D.for


Dou Kou, a Chinese boy, is called “the youngest writer in the world”. He has written three books till now.

    Dou Kou was born in Jiangsu in 1994. When he was 7 months old, his parents started working in over 30 different cities, such as Xi’an and Shenzhen. This kind of life gave him things to think and write about. When he was 9 months old, he could speak and at the age of one, he could say five to six hundred words. At three, he could look up words in the dictionary. At four, his father taught him how to learn by himself. His parents like reading very much. So does he . At the age of 5, he began writing fairy tales. At the age of 6, he wrote a novel about his life in different cities with his parents. His fairy tales are all from his life. One day, he found many mice in the house. They not only ate their food but also hurt his mother’s hand. So he thought, “If we give mice the stomach of cows, they will eat grass and they will be helpful to people.” This was his first fairy tale Change stomach for Mice.

    Now he studies well in a middle school. He has written his third book, the novel called Eyes of Children. He says, “I am not different from other children. I just wrote several books.”

1.How many books has Dou Kou written?

A. Three.        B. Four.           C. Five.            D. Six.

2.Thanks to his         , Dou Kou could write his books.

A. mother       B. father       C. school life        D. life in different cities

3.What does the underlined word “they” refer to(指代)?

A.  Dou Kou’s parents.      B. Mice.         C. Cows.         D. Grass.

4.When did Dou Kou begin to use a dictionary?

A. When he wrote fairy tales.

B. Before his father taught him how to learn something.

C. After he went to school.

D. After his mother taught him how to learn something.



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